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Part of script not working?

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[Player,10000]exec "Modules\Halo2\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs";

_unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";

_unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US";

[_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";

[_unit, "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

_action = _unit addaction ["TEST2","Modules\HALO2\scripts\RemoveGear.sqs"];


//RemoveGear.sqs (different file)

[_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\remove_glasses.fsm";

_unit removeWeapon "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US";

_action = _unit removeAction ["Remove HALO Gear", "Modules\Halo2\scripts\RemoveGear.sqs"];

Well, I'm trying to create a Lite HALO script. Everything works up until the bolded line for some reason the action isn't added to the unit, and I'm really not sure what the problem is? :(

Edited by FelixK44
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Not quite sure, it may be something to do with SQS's compatibility with FSM, or lack-there-of in this case?

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EDIT: Script is working now!

I have a question tho...in two of my scripts _unit = player; will the "player" thing work in MP also does "player" mean the player activating the script or all human players?


_unit = player;

_action = _unit addaction ["Remove HALO Gear","Modules\HALO2\scripts\RemoveGear.sqf"];


_unit = player;

[_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\remove_glasses.fsm";

_unit removeWeapon "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US";

_action2 = _unit removeAction ["Remove HALO Gear", "Modules\Halo2\scripts\RemoveGear.sqs"];

Edited by FelixK44

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Player means the character of the client the script is running on.

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Have another problem and didn't want to start a new thread... this script is working but its adding the action even if the unit doesn't have the correct weapon what am I doing wrong?

if(isDedicated) exitWith{};

WaitUntil{not isNull player};

//Specify weapons

_weapons = ["ACE_ANPRC77","ACE_PRC119","ACE_PRC119_MAR","ACE_PRC119_ACU","ACE_P159_RD90","ACE_P159_RD54","ACE_P159_RD99","ACE_P168_RD90"];

_weapon = "false";

if(count _weapons > 0) then {

{_weapon = _weapon + " || player hasWeapon " + str _x} foreach _weapons;

} else{_weapon = "true"};

_callingrequirements = _weapon;

player addAction ["<t color=#FFCC00'>Call Artillery</t>", "Artillery1.sqf","],-1,false,true,"" _callingrequirements];

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Try this version of it out, there were several errors in the script that I have made some fixes.

if(isDedicated || isServer) exitWith{};
WaitUntil{!isNull player};

//Specify weapons
_weapons = ["ACE_ANPRC77","ACE_PRC119","ACE_PRC119_MAR","ACE_P RC119_ACU","ACE_P159_RD90","ACE_P159_RD54","ACE_P1 59_RD99","ACE_P168_RD90"];

_weapon = false;
if(count _weapons > 0) then {
	_bag = unitBackpack player;
	_class = typeOf _bag;
	if(_class == _x) exitWith{_weapon = true};
} foreach _weapons;
} else{
_weapon = false;

_callingrequirements = _weapon;

player addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00'>Call Artillery</t>", "Artillery1.sqf",""],-1,false,true,"" _callingrequirements];

Post back the results!



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The script works thanks bigshotking! :o

Going to post script for "Radio Requirements" just encase someone else wants to use it! just edit these parts pxs_satcom_oa\init_satellite.sqf and Operate Satcom for custom name/script.

if(isDedicated) exitWith{};
WaitUntil{not isNull player};

//Specify weapons
_RadioWeapons = ["ACE_ANPRC77","ACE_PRC119","ACE_PRC119_MAR","ACE_P RC119_ACU","ACE_P159_RD90","ACE_P159_RD54","ACE_P1 59_RD99","ACE_P168_RD90"];

_RadioWeapon = "false";
if(count _weapons > 0) then {
{_RadioWeapon = _RadioWeapon + " || player hasWeapon " + str _x} foreach _RadioWeapons;
} else{_RadioWeapon = "true"};

_RadioRequirement = _RadioWeapon;

player addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00'>Operate SATCOM</t>", "pxs_satcom_oa\init_satellite.sqf[", ""], 1, true,true,"", _RadioRequirement];

Edited by FelixK44

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