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placing objects at an absolute height and not relative to the ground?

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Maybe I can't see the wood for the trees but having a little break from surface definitions and satelie map and all the rest of it, I had a play with placing a few objects, getting used to the interface and the way visitor sends you around the houses in order to do what should be a simple task....

is there a way to place objects at an absolute height or relative to sea level as apposed to relying on the relative to ground system, this is driving me round the twist....

again thanks in advance to anyone giving advice!


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edit: Sorry, thought this was in editing, not terrain.

Edited by Harzach

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I didn't catch what you wrote, though I did get excited when I saw a reply, only to find it this.. *sigh* This is in the right place though... right?

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Yeah, I replied thinking this was in Editing and Scripting, and you were placing objects in the A2 editor. I don't know anything about Visitor. Sorry! I'm sure this is the right place for your question, though.

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This is definitely the right place for any and all Visitor/Terrain questions.....!

I had a play with placing a few objects, getting used to the interface and the way visitor sends you around the houses in order to do what should be a simple task....

:).... you'll get used to V3's "oddities" in time, and even get pretty fluent with it... just a question of practise....

OK.... First and most obvious way of setting a particular thing at a particular height is via a Visitor Script...

Vis has a few of these hidden away in a "scripts" folder inside the main Visitor install folder... you access them via the "Scripts" menu item...

Notice the "Manage Scripts" item - you can load and arrange all your frequently used scripts with that, and have them more readily available within the Visitor menu...

For now - just click "Add & Run Script" and navigate to your Visitor/Scripts folder......

You'll see two scripts of interest... "show absolute height" and "set absolute height"...

Both of these do exactly what you'd think, and require an object or objects to be selected - then you run the script... that simple...

There's also a couple of "Buldozer Key assignments" which - I think - allow you to twitch objects up or down in set increments - while in "buldozer view"... Not sure what the default keys are for that.. I've never bothered with them, but you should be able to check via the "profile file" that buldozer is using....

Briefly - just like the main game, buldozer uses a ".ArmA2OAprofile" file to keep track of its settings... unless you've specifically told Buldozer to use one of its own and set that all up, then Buldozer will be sharing your game file!

This means you can launch your game - go to controls assignment, and then - in the popdown list at the top where you can choose to view only "infantry" or "vehicle" key controls - choose "buldozer".... now you'll see all the key assignments buldozer is currently using and you can note them down, change them or whatever...

If you want to be really clever, you could set these controls to whatever you want, then copy the resulting .ArmA2OAprofile file and assign buldozer to use it exclusively... that way you have separate control over all aspects of buldozers appearance...

This trick is usually done in conjunction with a specific buldozer "config" file too...

There's a reasonably detailed explanation of this more "advanced" Visitor/buldozer setup milarkey in this Beginners Guide

Main thing to remember when nailing stuff to an Absolute Height is that - you can move the rest of the World if you like - that object ain't going anywhere!

So if, for example, you line up a bunch of bridge sections, or a bunch of pond objects to make a lake surface - it'll work to the millimeter!, but any - ANY - tweaking of land heights anywhere near those objects could and will throw them off! You have to be totally done with areas levelling, roads smoothing.... anything that might jiggle the ground at all - before you start setting stuff to specific heights, other wise you just end up repairing the damned things endlessly....

The other main thing to remember with "absolute height" stuff is - should you have to export and then reimport those objects for whatever reason, then the absolute height setting - just like the "rotation angle" - will be lost, and they'll all be back at ground zero again....

Absolute heighting is a neat trick that's handy for a lot of things... not just the obvious bridges and ponds... if you take a look at eg: CWR2 Everon, you'll see all sorts of little signs... pub menus, "Fresh Eggs" and "potatoes sold here" around farms, etc.... all done with the "set absolute height" script and a little patient tweaking... but make this sort of stuff pretty much the Last thing you do - once any and all landscape adjustments are done and dusted..... There's nothing worse than having to tour an entire heavily populated map trying to remember every sign, every damned beercan you put on a table, just cause you've changed heights accidently... :(

Have fun


Edited by Bushlurker

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Thank you AGAIN Sir Bush of Lurkingshire,

This solves my problem, and a few others, looking in the scripts I see a few useful things nestled in there too.

I should probably start a new thread for this, but would you know of a decent way besides the scripts in V3 to level off roads that sit along hillsides and so on? I'm currently testing a few different ways but none of them are anythnig close to simple.


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