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Help! My first Addon ....

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I'm trying my first Addon (a simple port but a big headache!)

In bulldozer animation works normal, but the game does not appear the option to open the door.


Could someone look at my config.cpp and tell me what is wrong?

This my model.cfg:

class CfgSkeletons


class Default;

class Tut_Wall_3x3m_Bones: Default










class rotation;

class cfgModels


class Default;

class Tut_Wall_3x3m: Default





class Animations


class open_door: Rotation


type = "rotation";


selection = "door";

axis = "door_axis";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = 0.0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = 1.6;





Config.cpp in use(try);

#define true 1

#define false 0

#define VSoft 0

#define VArmor 1

#define VAir 2

#define LockNo 0

#define LockCadet 1

#define LockYes 2

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define ReadAndWrite 0

#define ReadAndCreate 1

#define ReadOnly 2

#define ReadOnlyVerified 3

class CfgPatches


class Tut_Wall




requiredVersion= 1.03;


version= 1.14;

fileName = "Tut_Wall.pbo";

author = "copied web";



class CfgVehicleClasses


class PRC_Structure





class CfgFactionClasses


class PRC


displayName = "PRC model";

priority = 1;

side = 2;



class CfgVehicles


class Strategic;

class Land_Tut_Wall_3x3m : Strategic


scope = 2;

model = \tut_Wall\Tut_Wall_3x3m.p3d;

placement = vertical;

mapSize = 3;

displayName = "Tut_Wall";

vehicleClass = "PRC_Structure";

faction = "PRC";

cost = 0;

armor = 800;

class AnimationSources


class door


source = "user";

animPeriod = 2;




class UserActions


class Open_Door


displayName = "Open Door";

position = "door_button";

radius = 2;

onlyForPlayer = 0;

condition = "this animationPhase ""door"" < 0.5";

statement = "this animate [""door"", 1]";


class CloseDoors1


displayName = "Close Door";

position = "door_button";

radius = 2;

onlyForPlayer = 0;

condition = "this animationPhase ""door"" >= 0.5";

statement = "this animate [""door"", 0]";






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I'm pretty much a noob at modelling but do you have a point in your Memory LOD called "door_button"?

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Try changing

class open_door: Rotation 
type = "rotation";	
selection = "door";
axis = "door_axis";	
memory = 1; 
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0.0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0; 
angle1 = 1.6; 


class door: Rotation 
type = "rotation";	
selection = "door";
axis = "door_axis";	
memory = 1; 
sourceAddress = "clamp";
minValue = 0.0;
maxValue = 1;
angle0 = 0; 
angle1 = 1.6; 

That might do it, I'm not sure.

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Remove the comma after your set of quotation marks in skeletonBones[], that should do it.

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