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Buldozer/Oxygen 2/Visitor 3 won't work with own map and african content

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Hello out there

I have some troubles on creating my own Map.

As far as I started, everything went perfectly. My terrain is goin to be edited now. Forests/bushes/rocks (the content of the normal Arma 2 .pbo's) are placed and work perfectly in all 3 programs.

So my map has some areas. Desert/ Gras-forest-hilly lands / vulcanos

I wanted tp place some acacia's in the desert part around some kind of an Oasis. But as I tried to place the trees in visitor and open the Map in Buldozer, buldozer won't load the acacias with the error "can't find P:\Ca\brg_africa\acacia_lab1.paa (or something like that). ok, i was going to look if the file is in the named folder. And yep, there it is. I can open it up and edit it, but as I try to open up the .rvmat file I get an I/O error on the file and only can change stuff in text editor. So I was wondering if there was any program running the african content and tried to open the acacias 3ds file in oxygen but here it has errors too. I downloaded it again and again from other sources, in other folders. nothing changed. I just want to get these trees and bushes to run on my map.

In buldozer u can only see the meshes... the tree is where it should be, but in white... simply white.

any1 may take time and help me with this stuff ._.

Edited by Bastet

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Welcome to the forums!!!

can't find P:\Ca\brg_africa\acacia_lab1.paa

That's the problem right there... user content in "CA" - NEVER do that!... CA is where BI stuff lives...

Read THIS POST which just happens to use Berghoff's African trees as an example ;).....


Edited by Bushlurker

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Hello there and thank u for the fast answer.

Well i did smthn wrong sorry. it just say P:\brg_africa\... not P:\ca. My own Map Stuff is also in the P drive but it's at P:\ownmap\CA, Data, Source etc.

But do I have to edit ALL new rvmat files, just to make them usable on my map?

Cause normally they have the P:\ca drive as standard, don't they?

I'm new to map editing, so sorry for my many questions. I unpacked ALL .pbo files I need to my p:\ownmap\ca folder.

sorry for my bad english i don't know how i exactly should describe my problem ._.


I also tried, as he described it in this short post. put it in P:\ drive. I did that, but again nothing just happened. same error on all rvmat files, same error in oxygen, same error in buldozer ._. i will make a screen when I'm home ;_;

Edited by Bastet

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I unpacked ALL .pbo files I need to my p:\ownmap\ca folder.

That's probably not a good idea either...

I'd seriously suggest that you back up all your own work so far somewhere safe and start from scratch with a nice clean tools install, followed by a run of Mikero's "Arma2P" supertool... that will get you a fully functional and correct P:\ drive with everything in place exactly where it should be...

I'd suggest you download This Beginners Guide (use the Armaholic link and grab the Source Files pack while you're there)...

Follow the first part of that guide - it'll explain in detail everything you need to do to set up your Dev drive correctly...

I'd also suggest that once you've done that, you follow thru the second part too... the whole thing will take you a few hours - maybe an evening or two, but at the end of it all you'll have been thru all the stages necessary to get a fully working terrain in-game, and you'll have a complete working project structure which you can adapt or copy and use to assemble your own project... and as a bonus, you'll have all the Arma2 models and assets properly unpacked automatically by Mikeros tool, and therefore everything should be in the correct place, tested and working perfectly...

Doing this now will save you a lot of unnecessary grief & confusion later.... ;)


Edited by Bushlurker

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Well thanks mate. so i just need to pull my "ownmap" drive to another place and delete all content on "p". and finally just drag the pictures/configs in my ownmap folder back :D

goinna see what'll happen

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