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Buildings with more than one floor- AI problems..?

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Hey guys,

I'm just about to start a largish building and it's going to have three floors, obviously connected by a stairwell.

Now, I'll make all the correct sizes for things like windows, doorways and stair dimensions etc, but can anyone tell me if there's ANYTHING I need to bear in mind when it comes to accommodating for AI..?

Please bear in mind I'm making this for ARMA3 really, so I'm sort of hoping AI won't have any problem when it comes to things like "roadways" for walking inside structures..?

Any advice/pointers are most welcome guys...

(Also, is there a MAX size for structure..? Both height and width/length wise please?)



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No one knows anything about the limits of ArmA 3.

The stats for max object size for ArmA 2 I'm sure can be found by searching.

The AI require a paths LOD to navigate inside buidlings.


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