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How to name vehicle spawned in BIS_fnc_SpawnVehicle ???

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I'm trying to name a vehicle that I'm creating with BIS_fnc_SpawnVehicle, and it's not working. Can anyone improve on this (non-working) approach?

_TestHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WP1", 20, "LIN_UH1", _airSquad1] call BIS_fnc_spawnvehicle;

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_TestHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WP1", 20, "LIN_UH1", _airSquad1] call BIS_fnc_spawnvehicle;
_TestHelo1 setVehicleVarName "YourVehicleName";


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BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle returns an array :)

Array - 0: created vehicle (Object), 1: all crew (Array of Objects), 2: vehicle's group (Group)


_TestHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WP1", 20, "LIN_UH1", _airSquad1] call BIS_fnc_spawnvehicle;
(_TestHelo1 select 0) setVehicleVarName "YourVehicleName";

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Thanks, Buliwyf. I tried it like this:

_testHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WPtest0", 20, "LIN_UH1", _airSquad1] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
_testHelo1 setVehicleVarName "Helo98";

And got an error about "type array, expected object". -I don't see what is coming up as an array there.

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Thanks, Cuel. But I'm still getting a (different) problem. Here's my code now:

_testHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WPtest0", 10, "LIN_UH1", _airSquad1] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
(_testHelo1 select 0) setVehicleVarName "Helo98";
//move each group member into Helo
for "_x" from 0 to 4 do {
sleep 0.2;
(units _heloTroop1 select _x) moveInCargo Helo98;

The problem comes when I try to refer to helo98. I get a "undefined variable" error. Why would that be???

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how about

_ch select 0 setVehicleInit "transporthelo = this; this setVehicleVarName ""transporthelo""";


and here is a link to a helo transport script script with that in it for u to check out. should take care of your issue. http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=47

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I found a little more info, but it's even more confusing now!

If I output the value of Helo98 (like Hint Format ["Helo98 is now %1",Helo98] ), it shows up as having a value of "to Helo98". -Yes, with the "to" in there! I've never seen anything like that! Now I'm really confused!

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Try it like this....no need for setvehiclevarname! ... also don't use "_x" in a for statement it's reserved for the foreach statement. Use "_i", "_j", "_k" etc. instead (standard programming practice).

//create the helo
_testHelo1 = [getMarkerPos "mrk_WPtest0", 10, "LIN_UH1", west] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
Helo98 = _testHelo1 select 0;

//move each group member into Helo
for "_i" from 0 to (count units _heloTroop1)-1 do {
_unit = (units _heloTroop1) select _i;
_unit assignasCargo Helo98;
_unit moveInCargo Helo98;
sleep 0.2;

... another way of moving in the troops using foreach...

{_x assignascargo Helo98; _x moveincargo Helo98} foreach units _heloTroop1;

Edited by twirly
Clarity & Correction

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Sigh. -Thanks, twirly. That's awesome. I am such a hack programmer. But I keep learning by doing ;)

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No worries man... I had a little error with the _heloTroop1 variable... calling it _helogroup in one line! It's been fixed.

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