sstalker 1 Posted November 25, 2012 (edited) I created a map. But when I booted I had no grass. I double-checked everything but the cause could not find. Realties who tell me how to add grass and bushes on the map. I can do this manually, but I know that the grass itself should appear. Config.cpp class CfgPatches { class Red_Forest { units[] = {"Red_Forest"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather; // External class reference }; class CAWorld : DefaultWorld { class Grid {}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; // External class reference class DayLightingRainy; // External class reference class DefaultClutter; // External class reference class Weather : Weather { class Lighting; // External class reference }; }; class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class Red_Forest : CAWorld { access = ReadOnlyVerified; cutscenes[] = {"RedIntro1"}; description = "Рыжий леÑ"; icon = ""; worldName = "\dk_tutor\dk_tutor.wrp"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = "\dk_tutor\data\SM_Picture_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "ML$ - #####"; plateLetters = ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ; longitude = 30; // positive is east latitude = -40; // positive is south class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = 000; formatY = 000; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; startTime = 14:20; startDate = 11/10/2008; startWeather = 0.4; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.25; forecastFog = 0.0; centerPosition[] = {1021.06, 4980.25, 300}; seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560}; ilsPosition[] = {2665.09,5311.98}; ilsDirection[] = {270, 0.08, 1}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {2495, 2725, 2495, 2850, 2508, 2860, 2508, 3000, 2520, 3010, 2545, 3000}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {2545, 2445, 2520, 2425, 2495, 2445, 2495, 2725}; class ReplaceObjects {}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Lighting : DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.06, 0.06, 0.03}; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.05, 0.05, 0.06}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.05}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.1, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.1, 0.1, 0.12}, 1}; sunrise[] = {0, {{0.7, 0.45, 0.45}, 5.16+(-4)}, {{0.07, 0.09, 0.12}, 4.0+(-4)}, {{0.6, 0.47, 0.25}, 4.66+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 4.3+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 6.49+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.39+(-4)}, 1}; earlyMorning[] = {3, {{0.65, 0.55, 0.55}, 6.04+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 4.5+(-4)}, {{0.55, 0.47, 0.25}, 5.54+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 5.02+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 7.05+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.88+(-4)}, 1}; midMorning[] = {8, {{0.98, 0.85, 0.8}, 8.37+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 6.42+(-4)}, {{0.87, 0.47, 0.25}, 7.87+(-4)}, {{0.09, 0.09, 0.1}, 6.89+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 8.9+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 10.88+(-4)}, 1}; morning[] = {16, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 13.17+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 10.26+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 12.67+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 11.71+(-4)}, {{0.15, 0.15, 0.15}, 12.42+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.17, 0.15}, 14.42+(-4)}, 1}; noon[] = {45, {{1, 1, 1}, 17+(-4)}, {{1, 1.3, 1.55}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 15+(-4)}, {{0.36, 0.37, 0.38}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 16+(-4)}, {{1.0, 1.0, 1}, 17+(-4)}, 1}; }; class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.11, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.14, 0.1, 0.12}, 0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {0, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.5}, 1}; morning[] = {5, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+8}, 1}; lateMorning[] = {25, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.75}, 1}; noon[] = {70, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+13.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+14}, 1}; }; class Weather : Weather { class Lighting : Lighting { class BrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { overcast = 0; }; class Rainy : DayLightingRainy { overcast = 1.0; }; }; }; clutterGrid = 1.0; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 15; midDetailTexture = "\dk_tutor\data\ut_middle_mco.paa"; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 3; class Clutter { class UTGrassDryBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_deadGrassBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTGrassDryLongBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTAutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTHeatherBrush : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_caluna.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.8; }; class UTWeedSedge : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed3.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 0.85; }; class UTWeedTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDead : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDeadSmall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 0.9; }; class UTBlueBerry : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_BlueBerry.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.05; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class UTFernAutumn : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class UTFernAutumnTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class GrassCrookedForest : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class UTMushroomsPrasivka : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.25; }; }; class Subdivision { class Fractal { rougness = 5; maxRoad = 0.02; maxTrack = 0.5; maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; maxRoad = 0.01; maxTrack = 0.05; maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; minY = 0.0; minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient { class Mammals { radius = 200; cost = "(1 + forest + trees) * (0.5 + (0.5 * night)) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)"; class Species { class Rabbit { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigBirds { radius = 300; cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class Hawk { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class Birds { radius = 170; cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))"; class Species { class Crow { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsects { radius = 20; cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; class ButterFly { probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsectsAquatic { radius = 20; cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class SmallInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class HouseFly { probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class HoneyBee { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class Mosquito { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NightInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class Mosquito { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class WindClutter { radius = 10; cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class FxWindGrass1 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindGrass2 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindRock1 { probability = "0.4 * hills"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NoWindClutter { radius = 15; cost = 8; class Species { class FxWindPollen1 { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; }; class Names { class test_airport { name = ""; position[] = {2274.02, 4980.47}; type = "NameLocal"; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test 1 { name = ""; position[] = {1606.86, 3214.33}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"Забытое"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test { name = ""; position[] = {2560.13, 5323.51}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"ВПП"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; }; class Armory { positionAdmin[] = {1371.72, 986.803}; positionStart[] = {3553.74, 3589.4}; positionStartWater[] = {2473.09, 4347.44}; positionsViewer[] = {{3505.89, 4422.96}, {2616, 3846.58}, {4471.54, 3344.44}}; positionsViewerWater[] = {{2501.13, 4334.09}}; positionBlacklist[] = {{{2239.5, 4697.82}, {2672.72, 4483.66}}, {{2102.16, 3900.59}, {2359.27, 3721.42}}, {{4237.07, 2527.91}, {4497.49, 2232.53}}, {{4285.8, 2620.06}, {4354.06, 2561.19}}, {{4614.6, 3143.3}, {4698.09, 3067.87}}, {{1875.08, 4406.88}, {2423.24, 3891.43}}}; class Challenges { class CheckpointRace { backUpRoute[] = {{3800.64, 4047.15}, {3535.63, 4242.55}, {3513.32, 4394.36}, {3268.02, 4419.67}, {3150.38, 4353.57}, {3123.84, 4299.93}, {3235.84, 4066.25}, {3134.83, 3970.23}}; }; class FiringRange { positionsStart[] = {{4053.37, 3590.92}}; directionsStart[] = {268}; positionsStartWater[] = {{2607.55, 4266.4}}; directionsStartWater[] = {301}; }; class MobilityRange { positionStart[] = {{3678.79, 3497.98}}; directionStart[] = {-39.7589}; positionStartWater[] = {{3238.92, 4638.21}}; directionStartWater[] = {42.1077}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRange1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3273.11, 4125.92}}; objectSetsWater[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRangeWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchorWater[] = {{2433.81, 4532.86}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2875.74, 4562.07}, -51.3173, 6, 4, 9, ""}}, {{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2828.3, 4533.75}, -443.781, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{2539.78, 4585.74}, -81.9908, 6, 4, 9, ""}}}}; obstacleSetsWater[] = {{{{3111.9, 4750.68}, -70.678, 13, 4, 0, ""}, {{2836.9, 4783.6}, -82.9927, 9, 5, 8, ""}, {{2682.19, 4535.81}, 180.479, 13, 4, 4, ""}, {{2656.09, 4399.67}, 201.951, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2618.3, 4322.66}, 208.592, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2317.4, 4327.06}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2297.85, 4344.67}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2277.89, 4361.97}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{1832.77, 4436.47}, 54.4527, 6.5, 4, 7, ""}, {{1807.27, 4210.06}, 5.07925, 5, 4, 3, ""}, {{1847.92, 4078.26}, 139.135, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{1865.75, 4059.3}, 92.9603, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1892.84, 4079.01}, 101.548, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1914.62, 4051.71}, 141.742, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{2236.66, 3909.3}, -71.4176, 13, 5, 9, ""}}}; positionOncomingTraffic[] = {{3301.84, 4416.4}}; directionOncomingTraffic[] = {-69.2263}; waypointsOncomingTraffic[] = {{{3136.76, 4330.52}, {3169.15, 4201.29}, {3465.55, 4014.34}}}; positionTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {{3148.2, 3997.9}}; radiusTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {10}; }; class FitnessTrack { positionStart[] = {{3501.61, 4172.04}}; directionStart[] = {22.54}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrack1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3613.29, 4303.65}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{3504.03, 4177.42}, 21.03, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{3527.6, 4229.01}, 28.24, 2, 2, 3, ""}, {{3585.18, 4214.5}, 133.41, 1.4, 1.5, 4, ""}, {{3665.53, 4158.4}, 131.169, 3, 2, 12, ""}, {{3720.57, 4166.72}, 26.659, 2, 2, 5, ""}, {{3733.97, 4212.27}, -20.1054, 1.6, 2, 1, ""}, {{3728.57, 4254.35}, 19.1091, 1.8, 2, 2, ""}, {{3689.06, 4287.79}, -80.4368, 3, 2, 7, ""}, {{3669.58, 4327.1}, -1.14954, 3, 2, 6, ""}, {{3657.41, 4375.1}, 0.672324, 1.8, 2, 9, ""}, {{3631.66, 4476.01}, 0.672324, 2, 2, 8, ""}, {{3589.83, 4462.68}, -105.064, 4, 2, 11, ""}, {{3534.6, 4451.77}, -94.841, 4, 2, 10, ""}}}; positionMachineguns[] = {{{3591.12, 4225.24}}}; directionMachineguns[] = {{-146.416}}; positionStartAnimal[] = {{2522.99, 3818.72}}; directionStartAnimal[] = {50.14}; objectSetsAnimal[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrackAnimals1.sqf"}; positionAnchorAnimal[] = {{2534.63, 3855.18}}; obstacleSetsAnimal[] = {{{{2526.93, 3821.43}, 56.0742, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{2550.85, 3835.8}, 67.6673, 3.5, 2, 7, ""}, {{2574.09, 3859.87}, 23.9655, 3.5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.26, 3855.61}, -125.516, 1.5, 2, 2, ""}, {{2531.51, 3844.03, 0.308052}, -131.471, 2.5, 2, 3, ""}, {{2516.65, 3855.09}, 31.016, 5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.52, 3865.04}, 57.7689, 2, 2, 9, ""}, {{2558.34, 3878.36}, 46.829, 2.5, 2, 10, ""}}}; }; class KillHouse { class Small { positionStart[] = {{4372.12, 3268.46}}; directionStart[] = {-150}; positionEnd[] = {{4398.92, 3247.89}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseSmall1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{4353.32, 3220.55}}; waypoints[] = {{{4347.74, 3229.3}, {4316.48, 3257.66}, {4300.64, 3227.78}, {4326.66, 3201.96}, {4373.05, 3162.86}, {4392.04, 3199.32}, {4367.54, 3220}, {4365, 3237.88}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {4363.81, 3236.66}; direction = -195; upTime = 4; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4361.34, 3247.7}; radiusTrigger = 10; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {4343.31, 3239.9}; direction = -139; upTime = 5; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4346.01, 3237.65}; positionTrigger[] = {4357.45, 3242.05}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {4326.04, 3235.42}; direction = -79; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4341.4, 3232.26}; }; class T3A : T1 { position[] = {4325.37, 3234.84, -0.3}; direction = -79; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {4335.22, 3266.19}; direction = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4327.81, 3248.47}; }; class T4A : T1 { position[] = {4335.44, 3265.54}; direction = 2; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {4315.57, 3250.36}; direction = -52; upTime = 7; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4317.41, 3252.77}; positionTrigger[] = {4333.1, 3243.44}; type = VArmor; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {4284.16, 3250.31}; direction = -94; positionTrigger[] = {4310.81, 3254.21}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {4305.07, 3236.81}; direction = -143; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4303.4, 3238.28}; positionTrigger[] = {4304.84, 3245.54}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {4288.07, 3231.64}; direction = -127; positionTrigger[] = {4303.25, 3243.37}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {4292.72, 3207.37}; direction = -150; moveTime = 2; positionMove[] = {4289.86, 3209.33}; positionTrigger[] = {4300.39, 3224.76}; side = TGuerrila; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {4338.44, 3206.42}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4318.39, 3208.53}; spawn = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {4319.66, 3198.43}; direction = -168; positionTrigger[] = {4317.57, 3208.43}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {4347.18, 3201.18, 13}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4314.15, 3211.11}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {4368.17, 3185.94, 1.5}; direction = -329; positionTrigger[] = {4354.41, 3179.92}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {4364.86, 3156.36}; direction = -193; positionTrigger[] = {4360.79, 3170.82}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {4400.79, 3161.06}; direction = -256; positionTrigger[] = {4372.89, 3162.85}; spawn = 1; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {4377.58, 3180.78}; direction = -411; moveTime = 0.5; positionMove[] = {4380.26, 3178.52}; positionTrigger[] = {4385.27, 3180.39}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {4375.55, 3220.22, 0.5}; direction = -399; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4380.89, 3209.48}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {4378.51, 3224.31, 0.5}; direction = -379; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4382.05, 3210.64}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {4372.08, 3220.91, 0.3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4368.59, 3219.04}; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {4370.64, 3224.32, 3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4365.82, 3221.48}; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {4352.69, 3224.12}; direction = -100; positionTrigger[] = {4359.28, 3227.04}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {4360.77, 3234.22}; direction = -9; positionTrigger[] = {4359.54, 3227.01}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {4385.73, 3252.95}; direction = 52; positionTrigger[] = {4372.85, 3242.49}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {4405.8, 3234.9}; direction = -328; positionTrigger[] = {4391.75, 3198.97}; spawn = 1; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {4332.16, 3205.09}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {4332.64, 3203.82}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {4408.23, 3214.53}; direction = 55; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; }; }; }; class Large { positionStart[] = {{3606.17, 4333.78}}; directionStart[] = {-50}; positionEnd[] = {{3239.65, 4617.44}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseLarge1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3380.22, 4466.3}}; waypoints[] = {{{3514.41, 4393.61}, {3419, 4407.37}, {3328.18, 4408.85}, {3268.85, 4418.6}, {3266.64, 4493.98}, {3284.06, 4583.24}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3577.55, 4366.1}; direction = 306; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3576.61, 4365.01}; moveTime = 0.5; type = VArmor; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3582.99, 4352.23}; radiusTrigger = 15; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3548.22, 4368.37}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3559.07, 4369.32}; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3546.71, 4369.24}; direction = 273; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3558.55, 4368.65}; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3546.42, 4370.48}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3557.98, 4367.98}; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3546.3, 4368.13}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3545.4, 4369.81}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3512.44, 4383.44}; direction = 290; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3513.98, 4388.84}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3528.54, 4387.7}; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3535.62, 4413.49}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3516.36, 4407.7}; moveTime = 2; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.58, 4381.72}; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3535.47, 4414.21}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3515.63, 4408.28}; moveTime = 2; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.93, 4382.4}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3487.57, 4389.02}; direction = -138; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3464.23, 4417.06}; direction = 302; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.05, 4407.3}; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3462.8, 4416.33}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4408.32}; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3462.16, 4417.19}; direction = 301; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4409.33}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3439.04, 4387.47}; direction = -135; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3438.38, 4387.35}; direction = 232; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3452.79, 4410.44}; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3414.22, 4415.3}; direction = -13; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3413.96, 4398.87}; direction = 205; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.7, 4407.88}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3412.31, 4398.46}; direction = 217; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.99, 4406.13}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3394.82, 4409.43}; direction = 260; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3395.08, 4407.5}; moveTime = 1; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.27, 4405.2}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3393.42, 4409.38}; direction = 259; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3394.2, 4406.06}; moveTime = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.56, 4403.81}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3373.15, 4435.15}; direction = 331; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3383.87, 4403.36}; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3368.13, 4435.08}; direction = 331; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3384.23, 4401.56}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3323.64, 4390.38}; direction = 213; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.09, 4406.25}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3321.87, 4393.55}; direction = 243; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.13, 4407.58}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3304.68, 4430.03}; direction = 22; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3303.71, 4429.89}; direction = 0; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3249.26, 4427.49, 4.7}; direction = 279; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3277.89, 4420.61}; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {3237.51, 4419.06}; direction = -93; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {3289.86, 4451.7}; direction = 358; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3276.79, 4451.41}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3266.25, 4441.87}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {3275.34, 4548.25}; direction = 368; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3270.03, 4523.94}; moveTime = 4; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3267.81, 4509.01}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T31 : T1 { position[] = {3307.44, 4527.45}; direction = 391; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3262.47, 4482.93}; }; class T32 : T1 { position[] = {3310.6, 4529.73}; direction = 391; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3263.88, 4482.84}; }; class T33 : T1 { position[] = {3304.46, 4532.7}; direction = 370; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T34 : T1 { position[] = {3239.02, 4585.21, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T35 : T1 { position[] = {3234.93, 4590.02, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3270.38, 4584.6}; }; class T36 : T1 { position[] = {3231.24, 4594.83}; direction = 313; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3232.51, 4596.74}; moveTime = 0.5; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3270.67, 4587.21}; }; class T37 : T1 { position[] = {3261.32, 4627.11, -0.5}; direction = 375; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3245.9, 4609.07}; }; class T38 : T1 { position[] = {3251.97, 4639, 3.3}; direction = 364; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3245.25, 4607.96}; }; class T39 : T1 { position[] = {3258.42, 4641.5, 3.3}; direction = 356; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3244.59, 4606.65}; }; }; }; }; class Water { positionStart[] = {{3779.95, 4578.2}}; directionStart[] = {-129}; positionEnd[] = {{3291.18, 4748.07}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3472.11, 4612.95}}; waypoints[] = {{{3665.59, 4485.37}, {3649.04, 4630.17}, {3480.45, 4749.11}, {3294.28, 4637.41}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3631.92, 4453.94, 1.3}; direction = 199; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; radiusTrigger = 60; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3631.94, 4446.05, -0.6}; direction = 199; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3636.93, 4462.39, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3642.53, 4438.52, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 13; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3644.79, 4438.62, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 14; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3648.49, 4437.73, 1.25}; direction = 182; upTime = 14; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3626.42, 4452.67, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3625.13, 4452.79, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3617.91, 4454.68, 1.38}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3613.94, 4456.71, 1.45}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3566.3, 4547.98}; direction = 274; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3538.83, 4558.52}; direction = 260; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; size = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3548.04, 4577.36}; direction = 286; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3547.08, 4570.13}; moveTime = 1; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3496.91, 4645.84}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3494.94, 4653.81}; direction = 210; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3493.06, 4655.41}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; spawn = 1; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3484.71, 4653.06}; direction = 209; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3268, 4624.69, -0.6}; direction = 223; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3291.73, 4656.29, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3272.34, 4655.98, 3.3}; direction = 268; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3273.43, 4659.58, 3.3}; direction = 271; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3244.2, 4609.69, 3.3}; direction = 223; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3269.18, 4599.34, 3.3}; direction = 202; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; spawn = 1; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3266.3, 4598.87, 3.3}; direction = 208; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3270.94, 4594.98, 3.3}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3234.49, 4589.54, 5.2}; direction = 226; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3388.23, 4620.1}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3397.3, 4619.61}; direction = 178; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3695.67, 4394.08}; direction = 193; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; side = TWest; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3666.65, 4399.16}; moveTime = 1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; safePositionAnchor[] = {3448.11, 3627.18}; safePositionRadius = 2000; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class red_forest {}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class RedIntro1 { directory = "\dk_tutor\data\scenes\intro.red_forest"; }; }; }; class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class Water {}; class UTGravel : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_sterk_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.35; soundEnviron = "gravel"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTRock : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_skala_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTConcrete : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_beton_*"; rough = 0.08; dust = 0.05; soundEnviron = "concrete_ext"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTBoulders : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_valouny_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTGround : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_hlina_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.2; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTGrass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "UTGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class grass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "grass"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTHeather : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_vres_*"; rough = 0.14; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTHeatherClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTWeeds : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_plevel_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTWeedsClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTForest : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_les_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.15; soundEnviron = "forest"; character = "UTPineForestClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class UTSparseGrassClutter { names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch"}; probability[] = {0.07}; }; class UTGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class grass { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class UTHeatherClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.25, 0.07, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTHeatherBrush", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTWeedSedge"}; }; class UTWeedsClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02}; names[] = {"UTAutumnFlowers", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTWeedTall", "UTWeedDead", "UTWeedDeadSmall"}; }; class UTPineForestClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, 0.001}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTFernAutumn", "UTFernAutumnTall", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTMushroomsPrasivka"}; }; }; Edited November 26, 2012 by sstalker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragonsyr 21 Posted November 26, 2012 check your layers.cfg and see if the colour of your satmask match with one on your layers.cfg class Layers { class island_grass { texture = "island\Data\island_grass_mco.paa"; material= "island\Data\island_grass.rvmat"; }; class Legend { picture="island\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { island_grass[]={{255, 255, 0}}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sstalker 1 Posted November 26, 2012 check your layers.cfg and see if the colour of your satmask match with one on your layers.cfg class Layers { class island_grass { texture = "island\Data\island_grass_mco.paa"; material= "island\Data\island_grass.rvmat"; }; class Legend { picture="island\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { island_grass[]={{255, 255, 0}}; }; }; It did not help, I will do manually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragonsyr 21 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) check also the class CfgMaterials{ is missing in your script . also check the class missing something...try to make this change class CfgMaterials { class Water; class island_Water: Water { ambient[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,0.4}; diffuse[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0264,0.03,0.013,0}; specular[] = {1.5,1.5,1.5,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; class Stage1 { class uvTransform { aside[] = {0,1,0}; up[] = {1,0,0}; dir[] = {0,0,1}; pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0}; }; texture = "ca\data\data\water_nofhq.paa"; uvSource = "texWaterAnim"; }; class Stage3 { texture = "ca\data\data\water2_nohq.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage4 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage5 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; PixelShaderID = "Water"; VertexShaderID = "Water"; specularPower = 4; class Stage2 { texture = "CA\data\data\sea_foam_lco.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; }; }; //SURFACES #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" and make one more file called cfgSurfaces.hpp with this class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class UTGravel : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_sterk_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.35; soundEnviron = "gravel"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTRock : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_skala_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTConcrete : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_beton_*"; rough = 0.08; dust = 0.05; soundEnviron = "concrete_ext"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTBoulders : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_valouny_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTGround : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_hlina_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.2; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTGrass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "UTGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class grass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "grass"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTHeather : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_vres_*"; rough = 0.14; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTHeatherClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTWeeds : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_plevel_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTWeedsClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTForest : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_les_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.15; soundEnviron = "forest"; character = "UTPineForestClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class UTSparseGrassClutter { names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch"}; probability[] = {0.07}; }; class UTGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class grass { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class UTHeatherClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.25, 0.07, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTHeatherBrush", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTWeedSedge"}; }; class UTWeedsClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02}; names[] = {"UTAutumnFlowers", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTWeedTall", "UTWeedDead", "UTWeedDeadSmall"}; }; class UTPineForestClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, 0.001}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTFernAutumn", "UTFernAutumnTall", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTMushroomsPrasivka"}; }; }; also make one more file called cfgClutter.hpp and in this class UTGrassDryBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_deadGrassBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTGrassDryLongBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTAutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTHeatherBrush : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_caluna.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.8; }; class UTWeedSedge : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed3.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 0.85; }; class UTWeedTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDead : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDeadSmall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 0.9; }; class UTBlueBerry : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_BlueBerry.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.05; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class UTFernAutumn : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class UTFernAutumnTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class GrassCrookedForest : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class UTMushroomsPrasivka : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.25; }; be sure that you include this in your config.cpp class Clutter { #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; and you must delete all entries that now included in the new files..... i hope that work.... working that way on my island... edit .....Make the 2 files above and try this new config class CfgPatches { class Red_Forest { units[] = {"Red_Forest"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather; // External class reference }; class CAWorld : DefaultWorld { class Grid {}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; // External class reference class DayLightingRainy; // External class reference class DefaultClutter; // External class reference class Weather : Weather { class Lighting; // External class reference }; }; class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class Red_Forest : CAWorld { access = ReadOnlyVerified; cutscenes[] = {"RedIntro1"}; description = "????? ???"; icon = ""; worldName = "\dk_tutor\dk_tutor.wrp"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = "\dk_tutor\data\SM_Picture_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "ML$ - #####"; plateLetters = ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ; longitude = 30; // positive is east latitude = -40; // positive is south class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = 000; formatY = 000; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; startTime = 14:20; startDate = 11/10/2008; startWeather = 0.4; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.25; forecastFog = 0.0; centerPosition[] = {1021.06, 4980.25, 300}; seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560}; ilsPosition[] = {2665.09,5311.98}; ilsDirection[] = {270, 0.08, 1}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {2495, 2725, 2495, 2850, 2508, 2860, 2508, 3000, 2520, 3010, 2545, 3000}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {2545, 2445, 2520, 2425, 2495, 2445, 2495, 2725}; class Clutter { #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; class Names { #include "dk_tutor.hpp" }; class ReplaceObjects {}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Lighting : DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.06, 0.06, 0.03}; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.05, 0.05, 0.06}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.05}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.1, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.1, 0.1, 0.12}, 1}; sunrise[] = {0, {{0.7, 0.45, 0.45}, 5.16+(-4)}, {{0.07, 0.09, 0.12}, 4.0+(-4)}, {{0.6, 0.47, 0.25}, 4.66+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 4.3+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 6.49+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.39+(-4)}, 1}; earlyMorning[] = {3, {{0.65, 0.55, 0.55}, 6.04+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 4.5+(-4)}, {{0.55, 0.47, 0.25}, 5.54+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 5.02+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 7.05+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.88+(-4)}, 1}; midMorning[] = {8, {{0.98, 0.85, 0.8}, 8.37+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 6.42+(-4)}, {{0.87, 0.47, 0.25}, 7.87+(-4)}, {{0.09, 0.09, 0.1}, 6.89+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 8.9+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 10.88+(-4)}, 1}; morning[] = {16, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 13.17+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 10.26+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 12.67+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 11.71+(-4)}, {{0.15, 0.15, 0.15}, 12.42+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.17, 0.15}, 14.42+(-4)}, 1}; noon[] = {45, {{1, 1, 1}, 17+(-4)}, {{1, 1.3, 1.55}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 15+(-4)}, {{0.36, 0.37, 0.38}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 16+(-4)}, {{1.0, 1.0, 1}, 17+(-4)}, 1}; }; class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.11, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.14, 0.1, 0.12}, 0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {0, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.5}, 1}; morning[] = {5, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+8}, 1}; lateMorning[] = {25, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.75}, 1}; noon[] = {70, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+13.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+14}, 1}; }; class Weather : Weather { class Lighting : Lighting { class BrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { overcast = 0; }; class Rainy : DayLightingRainy { overcast = 1.0; }; }; }; clutterGrid = 1.0; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 15; midDetailTexture = "\dk_tutor\data\ut_middle_mco.paa"; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 3; class Subdivision { class Fractal { rougness = 5; maxRoad = 0.02; maxTrack = 0.5; maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; maxRoad = 0.01; maxTrack = 0.05; maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; minY = 0.0; minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient { class Mammals { radius = 200; cost = "(1 + forest + trees) * (0.5 + (0.5 * night)) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)"; class Species { class Rabbit { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigBirds { radius = 300; cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class Hawk { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class Birds { radius = 170; cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))"; class Species { class Crow { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsects { radius = 20; cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; class ButterFly { probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsectsAquatic { radius = 20; cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class SmallInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class HouseFly { probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class HoneyBee { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class Mosquito { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NightInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class Mosquito { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class WindClutter { radius = 10; cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class FxWindGrass1 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindGrass2 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindRock1 { probability = "0.4 * hills"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NoWindClutter { radius = 15; cost = 8; class Species { class FxWindPollen1 { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; }; class Names { class test_airport { name = ""; position[] = {2274.02, 4980.47}; type = "NameLocal"; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test 1 { name = ""; position[] = {1606.86, 3214.33}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"???????"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test { name = ""; position[] = {2560.13, 5323.51}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"???"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; }; class Armory { positionAdmin[] = {1371.72, 986.803}; positionStart[] = {3553.74, 3589.4}; positionStartWater[] = {2473.09, 4347.44}; positionsViewer[] = {{3505.89, 4422.96}, {2616, 3846.58}, {4471.54, 3344.44}}; positionsViewerWater[] = {{2501.13, 4334.09}}; positionBlacklist[] = {{{2239.5, 4697.82}, {2672.72, 4483.66}}, {{2102.16, 3900.59}, {2359.27, 3721.42}}, {{4237.07, 2527.91}, {4497.49, 2232.53}}, {{4285.8, 2620.06}, {4354.06, 2561.19}}, {{4614.6, 3143.3}, {4698.09, 3067.87}}, {{1875.08, 4406.88}, {2423.24, 3891.43}}}; class Challenges { class CheckpointRace { backUpRoute[] = {{3800.64, 4047.15}, {3535.63, 4242.55}, {3513.32, 4394.36}, {3268.02, 4419.67}, {3150.38, 4353.57}, {3123.84, 4299.93}, {3235.84, 4066.25}, {3134.83, 3970.23}}; }; class FiringRange { positionsStart[] = {{4053.37, 3590.92}}; directionsStart[] = {268}; positionsStartWater[] = {{2607.55, 4266.4}}; directionsStartWater[] = {301}; }; class MobilityRange { positionStart[] = {{3678.79, 3497.98}}; directionStart[] = {-39.7589}; positionStartWater[] = {{3238.92, 4638.21}}; directionStartWater[] = {42.1077}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRange1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3273.11, 4125.92}}; objectSetsWater[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRangeWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchorWater[] = {{2433.81, 4532.86}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2875.74, 4562.07}, -51.3173, 6, 4, 9, ""}}, {{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2828.3, 4533.75}, -443.781, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{2539.78, 4585.74}, -81.9908, 6, 4, 9, ""}}}}; obstacleSetsWater[] = {{{{3111.9, 4750.68}, -70.678, 13, 4, 0, ""}, {{2836.9, 4783.6}, -82.9927, 9, 5, 8, ""}, {{2682.19, 4535.81}, 180.479, 13, 4, 4, ""}, {{2656.09, 4399.67}, 201.951, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2618.3, 4322.66}, 208.592, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2317.4, 4327.06}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2297.85, 4344.67}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2277.89, 4361.97}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{1832.77, 4436.47}, 54.4527, 6.5, 4, 7, ""}, {{1807.27, 4210.06}, 5.07925, 5, 4, 3, ""}, {{1847.92, 4078.26}, 139.135, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{1865.75, 4059.3}, 92.9603, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1892.84, 4079.01}, 101.548, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1914.62, 4051.71}, 141.742, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{2236.66, 3909.3}, -71.4176, 13, 5, 9, ""}}}; positionOncomingTraffic[] = {{3301.84, 4416.4}}; directionOncomingTraffic[] = {-69.2263}; waypointsOncomingTraffic[] = {{{3136.76, 4330.52}, {3169.15, 4201.29}, {3465.55, 4014.34}}}; positionTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {{3148.2, 3997.9}}; radiusTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {10}; }; class FitnessTrack { positionStart[] = {{3501.61, 4172.04}}; directionStart[] = {22.54}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrack1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3613.29, 4303.65}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{3504.03, 4177.42}, 21.03, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{3527.6, 4229.01}, 28.24, 2, 2, 3, ""}, {{3585.18, 4214.5}, 133.41, 1.4, 1.5, 4, ""}, {{3665.53, 4158.4}, 131.169, 3, 2, 12, ""}, {{3720.57, 4166.72}, 26.659, 2, 2, 5, ""}, {{3733.97, 4212.27}, -20.1054, 1.6, 2, 1, ""}, {{3728.57, 4254.35}, 19.1091, 1.8, 2, 2, ""}, {{3689.06, 4287.79}, -80.4368, 3, 2, 7, ""}, {{3669.58, 4327.1}, -1.14954, 3, 2, 6, ""}, {{3657.41, 4375.1}, 0.672324, 1.8, 2, 9, ""}, {{3631.66, 4476.01}, 0.672324, 2, 2, 8, ""}, {{3589.83, 4462.68}, -105.064, 4, 2, 11, ""}, {{3534.6, 4451.77}, -94.841, 4, 2, 10, ""}}}; positionMachineguns[] = {{{3591.12, 4225.24}}}; directionMachineguns[] = {{-146.416}}; positionStartAnimal[] = {{2522.99, 3818.72}}; directionStartAnimal[] = {50.14}; objectSetsAnimal[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrackAnimals1.sqf"}; positionAnchorAnimal[] = {{2534.63, 3855.18}}; obstacleSetsAnimal[] = {{{{2526.93, 3821.43}, 56.0742, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{2550.85, 3835.8}, 67.6673, 3.5, 2, 7, ""}, {{2574.09, 3859.87}, 23.9655, 3.5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.26, 3855.61}, -125.516, 1.5, 2, 2, ""}, {{2531.51, 3844.03, 0.308052}, -131.471, 2.5, 2, 3, ""}, {{2516.65, 3855.09}, 31.016, 5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.52, 3865.04}, 57.7689, 2, 2, 9, ""}, {{2558.34, 3878.36}, 46.829, 2.5, 2, 10, ""}}}; }; class KillHouse { class Small { positionStart[] = {{4372.12, 3268.46}}; directionStart[] = {-150}; positionEnd[] = {{4398.92, 3247.89}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseSmall1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{4353.32, 3220.55}}; waypoints[] = {{{4347.74, 3229.3}, {4316.48, 3257.66}, {4300.64, 3227.78}, {4326.66, 3201.96}, {4373.05, 3162.86}, {4392.04, 3199.32}, {4367.54, 3220}, {4365, 3237.88}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {4363.81, 3236.66}; direction = -195; upTime = 4; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4361.34, 3247.7}; radiusTrigger = 10; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {4343.31, 3239.9}; direction = -139; upTime = 5; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4346.01, 3237.65}; positionTrigger[] = {4357.45, 3242.05}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {4326.04, 3235.42}; direction = -79; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4341.4, 3232.26}; }; class T3A : T1 { position[] = {4325.37, 3234.84, -0.3}; direction = -79; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {4335.22, 3266.19}; direction = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4327.81, 3248.47}; }; class T4A : T1 { position[] = {4335.44, 3265.54}; direction = 2; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {4315.57, 3250.36}; direction = -52; upTime = 7; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4317.41, 3252.77}; positionTrigger[] = {4333.1, 3243.44}; type = VArmor; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {4284.16, 3250.31}; direction = -94; positionTrigger[] = {4310.81, 3254.21}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {4305.07, 3236.81}; direction = -143; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4303.4, 3238.28}; positionTrigger[] = {4304.84, 3245.54}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {4288.07, 3231.64}; direction = -127; positionTrigger[] = {4303.25, 3243.37}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {4292.72, 3207.37}; direction = -150; moveTime = 2; positionMove[] = {4289.86, 3209.33}; positionTrigger[] = {4300.39, 3224.76}; side = TGuerrila; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {4338.44, 3206.42}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4318.39, 3208.53}; spawn = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {4319.66, 3198.43}; direction = -168; positionTrigger[] = {4317.57, 3208.43}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {4347.18, 3201.18, 13}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4314.15, 3211.11}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {4368.17, 3185.94, 1.5}; direction = -329; positionTrigger[] = {4354.41, 3179.92}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {4364.86, 3156.36}; direction = -193; positionTrigger[] = {4360.79, 3170.82}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {4400.79, 3161.06}; direction = -256; positionTrigger[] = {4372.89, 3162.85}; spawn = 1; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {4377.58, 3180.78}; direction = -411; moveTime = 0.5; positionMove[] = {4380.26, 3178.52}; positionTrigger[] = {4385.27, 3180.39}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {4375.55, 3220.22, 0.5}; direction = -399; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4380.89, 3209.48}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {4378.51, 3224.31, 0.5}; direction = -379; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4382.05, 3210.64}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {4372.08, 3220.91, 0.3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4368.59, 3219.04}; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {4370.64, 3224.32, 3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4365.82, 3221.48}; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {4352.69, 3224.12}; direction = -100; positionTrigger[] = {4359.28, 3227.04}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {4360.77, 3234.22}; direction = -9; positionTrigger[] = {4359.54, 3227.01}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {4385.73, 3252.95}; direction = 52; positionTrigger[] = {4372.85, 3242.49}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {4405.8, 3234.9}; direction = -328; positionTrigger[] = {4391.75, 3198.97}; spawn = 1; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {4332.16, 3205.09}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {4332.64, 3203.82}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {4408.23, 3214.53}; direction = 55; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; }; }; }; class Large { positionStart[] = {{3606.17, 4333.78}}; directionStart[] = {-50}; positionEnd[] = {{3239.65, 4617.44}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseLarge1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3380.22, 4466.3}}; waypoints[] = {{{3514.41, 4393.61}, {3419, 4407.37}, {3328.18, 4408.85}, {3268.85, 4418.6}, {3266.64, 4493.98}, {3284.06, 4583.24}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3577.55, 4366.1}; direction = 306; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3576.61, 4365.01}; moveTime = 0.5; type = VArmor; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3582.99, 4352.23}; radiusTrigger = 15; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3548.22, 4368.37}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3559.07, 4369.32}; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3546.71, 4369.24}; direction = 273; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3558.55, 4368.65}; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3546.42, 4370.48}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3557.98, 4367.98}; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3546.3, 4368.13}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3545.4, 4369.81}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3512.44, 4383.44}; direction = 290; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3513.98, 4388.84}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3528.54, 4387.7}; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3535.62, 4413.49}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3516.36, 4407.7}; moveTime = 2; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.58, 4381.72}; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3535.47, 4414.21}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3515.63, 4408.28}; moveTime = 2; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.93, 4382.4}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3487.57, 4389.02}; direction = -138; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3464.23, 4417.06}; direction = 302; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.05, 4407.3}; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3462.8, 4416.33}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4408.32}; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3462.16, 4417.19}; direction = 301; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4409.33}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3439.04, 4387.47}; direction = -135; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3438.38, 4387.35}; direction = 232; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3452.79, 4410.44}; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3414.22, 4415.3}; direction = -13; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3413.96, 4398.87}; direction = 205; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.7, 4407.88}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3412.31, 4398.46}; direction = 217; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.99, 4406.13}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3394.82, 4409.43}; direction = 260; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3395.08, 4407.5}; moveTime = 1; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.27, 4405.2}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3393.42, 4409.38}; direction = 259; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3394.2, 4406.06}; moveTime = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.56, 4403.81}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3373.15, 4435.15}; direction = 331; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3383.87, 4403.36}; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3368.13, 4435.08}; direction = 331; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3384.23, 4401.56}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3323.64, 4390.38}; direction = 213; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.09, 4406.25}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3321.87, 4393.55}; direction = 243; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.13, 4407.58}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3304.68, 4430.03}; direction = 22; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3303.71, 4429.89}; direction = 0; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3249.26, 4427.49, 4.7}; direction = 279; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3277.89, 4420.61}; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {3237.51, 4419.06}; direction = -93; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {3289.86, 4451.7}; direction = 358; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3276.79, 4451.41}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3266.25, 4441.87}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {3275.34, 4548.25}; direction = 368; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3270.03, 4523.94}; moveTime = 4; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3267.81, 4509.01}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T31 : T1 { position[] = {3307.44, 4527.45}; direction = 391; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3262.47, 4482.93}; }; class T32 : T1 { position[] = {3310.6, 4529.73}; direction = 391; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3263.88, 4482.84}; }; class T33 : T1 { position[] = {3304.46, 4532.7}; direction = 370; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T34 : T1 { position[] = {3239.02, 4585.21, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T35 : T1 { position[] = {3234.93, 4590.02, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3270.38, 4584.6}; }; class T36 : T1 { position[] = {3231.24, 4594.83}; direction = 313; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3232.51, 4596.74}; moveTime = 0.5; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3270.67, 4587.21}; }; class T37 : T1 { position[] = {3261.32, 4627.11, -0.5}; direction = 375; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3245.9, 4609.07}; }; class T38 : T1 { position[] = {3251.97, 4639, 3.3}; direction = 364; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3245.25, 4607.96}; }; class T39 : T1 { position[] = {3258.42, 4641.5, 3.3}; direction = 356; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3244.59, 4606.65}; }; }; }; }; class CfgMaterials { class Water; class Dk_Water: Water { ambient[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,0.4}; diffuse[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0264,0.03,0.013,0}; specular[] = {1.5,1.5,1.5,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; class Stage1 { class uvTransform { aside[] = {0,1,0}; up[] = {1,0,0}; dir[] = {0,0,1}; pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0}; }; texture = "ca\data\data\water_nofhq.paa"; uvSource = "texWaterAnim"; }; class Stage3 { texture = "ca\data\data\water2_nohq.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage4 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage5 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; PixelShaderID = "Water"; VertexShaderID = "Water"; specularPower = 4; class Stage2 { texture = "CA\data\data\sea_foam_lco.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; }; }; //SURFACES #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" class Water1 { positionStart[] = {{3779.95, 4578.2}}; directionStart[] = {-129}; positionEnd[] = {{3291.18, 4748.07}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3472.11, 4612.95}}; waypoints[] = {{{3665.59, 4485.37}, {3649.04, 4630.17}, {3480.45, 4749.11}, {3294.28, 4637.41}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3631.92, 4453.94, 1.3}; direction = 199; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; radiusTrigger = 60; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3631.94, 4446.05, -0.6}; direction = 199; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3636.93, 4462.39, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3642.53, 4438.52, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 13; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3644.79, 4438.62, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 14; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3648.49, 4437.73, 1.25}; direction = 182; upTime = 14; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3626.42, 4452.67, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3625.13, 4452.79, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3617.91, 4454.68, 1.38}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3613.94, 4456.71, 1.45}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3566.3, 4547.98}; direction = 274; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3538.83, 4558.52}; direction = 260; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; size = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3548.04, 4577.36}; direction = 286; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3547.08, 4570.13}; moveTime = 1; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3496.91, 4645.84}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3494.94, 4653.81}; direction = 210; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3493.06, 4655.41}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; spawn = 1; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3484.71, 4653.06}; direction = 209; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3268, 4624.69, -0.6}; direction = 223; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3291.73, 4656.29, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3272.34, 4655.98, 3.3}; direction = 268; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3273.43, 4659.58, 3.3}; direction = 271; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3244.2, 4609.69, 3.3}; direction = 223; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3269.18, 4599.34, 3.3}; direction = 202; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; spawn = 1; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3266.3, 4598.87, 3.3}; direction = 208; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3270.94, 4594.98, 3.3}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3234.49, 4589.54, 5.2}; direction = 226; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3388.23, 4620.1}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3397.3, 4619.61}; direction = 178; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3695.67, 4394.08}; direction = 193; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; side = TWest; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3666.65, 4399.16}; moveTime = 1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; safePositionAnchor[] = {3448.11, 3627.18}; safePositionRadius = 2000; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class red_forest {}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class RedIntro1 { directory = "\dk_tutor\data\scenes\intro.red_forest"; }; }; }; check in this what is in the class water1 (Line 1083 if you use notpad++)(i rename it because this code inside this class is not water class) Edited November 26, 2012 by dragonsyr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sstalker 1 Posted November 26, 2012 check also the class CfgMaterials{ is missing in your script . also check the class missing something...try to make this change class CfgMaterials { class Water; class island_Water: Water { ambient[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,0.4}; diffuse[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0264,0.03,0.013,0}; specular[] = {1.5,1.5,1.5,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; class Stage1 { class uvTransform { aside[] = {0,1,0}; up[] = {1,0,0}; dir[] = {0,0,1}; pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0}; }; texture = "ca\data\data\water_nofhq.paa"; uvSource = "texWaterAnim"; }; class Stage3 { texture = "ca\data\data\water2_nohq.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage4 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage5 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; PixelShaderID = "Water"; VertexShaderID = "Water"; specularPower = 4; class Stage2 { texture = "CA\data\data\sea_foam_lco.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; }; }; //SURFACES #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" and make one more file called cfgSurfaces.hpp with this class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class UTGravel : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_sterk_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.35; soundEnviron = "gravel"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTRock : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_skala_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTConcrete : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_beton_*"; rough = 0.08; dust = 0.05; soundEnviron = "concrete_ext"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTBoulders : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_valouny_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.07; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; }; class UTGround : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_hlina_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.2; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "UTSparseGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTGrass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "UTGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class grass : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_trava_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "grass"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTHeather : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_vres_*"; rough = 0.14; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTHeatherClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTWeeds : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_plevel_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.1; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "UTWeedsClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class UTForest : Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "ut_les_*"; rough = 0.2; dust = 0.15; soundEnviron = "forest"; character = "UTPineForestClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class UTSparseGrassClutter { names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch"}; probability[] = {0.07}; }; class UTGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class grass { probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"}; }; class UTHeatherClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.25, 0.07, 0.03}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTHeatherBrush", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTWeedSedge"}; }; class UTWeedsClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02}; names[] = {"UTAutumnFlowers", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTWeedTall", "UTWeedDead", "UTWeedDeadSmall"}; }; class UTPineForestClutter { probability[] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, 0.001}; names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTFernAutumn", "UTFernAutumnTall", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTMushroomsPrasivka"}; }; }; also make one more file called cfgClutter.hpp and in this class UTGrassDryBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_deadGrassBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTGrassDryLongBunch : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTAutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class UTHeatherBrush : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_caluna.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.8; }; class UTWeedSedge : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed3.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.5; scaleMax = 0.85; }; class UTWeedTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDead : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class UTWeedDeadSmall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead2.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 0.9; }; class UTBlueBerry : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_BlueBerry.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.05; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class UTFernAutumn : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.1; scaleMin = 0.6; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class UTFernAutumnTall : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.15; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class GrassCrookedForest : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class UTMushroomsPrasivka : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.25; }; be sure that you include this in your config.cpp class Clutter { #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; and you must delete all entries that now included in the new files..... i hope that work.... working that way on my island... edit .....Make the 2 files above and try this new config class CfgPatches { class Red_Forest { units[] = {"Red_Forest"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { class Weather; // External class reference }; class CAWorld : DefaultWorld { class Grid {}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; // External class reference class DayLightingRainy; // External class reference class DefaultClutter; // External class reference class Weather : Weather { class Lighting; // External class reference }; }; class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class Red_Forest : CAWorld { access = ReadOnlyVerified; cutscenes[] = {"RedIntro1"}; description = "????? ???"; icon = ""; worldName = "\dk_tutor\dk_tutor.wrp"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = "\dk_tutor\data\SM_Picture_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "ML$ - #####"; plateLetters = ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ; longitude = 30; // positive is east latitude = -40; // positive is south class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = 000; formatY = 000; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; startTime = 14:20; startDate = 11/10/2008; startWeather = 0.4; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.25; forecastFog = 0.0; centerPosition[] = {1021.06, 4980.25, 300}; seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560}; ilsPosition[] = {2665.09,5311.98}; ilsDirection[] = {270, 0.08, 1}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {2495, 2725, 2495, 2850, 2508, 2860, 2508, 3000, 2520, 3010, 2545, 3000}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {2545, 2445, 2520, 2425, 2495, 2445, 2495, 2725}; class Clutter { #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; class Names { #include "dk_tutor.hpp" }; class ReplaceObjects {}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Lighting : DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.06, 0.06, 0.03}; }; class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.05, 0.05, 0.06}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.05}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.1, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.1, 0.1, 0.12}, 1}; sunrise[] = {0, {{0.7, 0.45, 0.45}, 5.16+(-4)}, {{0.07, 0.09, 0.12}, 4.0+(-4)}, {{0.6, 0.47, 0.25}, 4.66+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 4.3+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 6.49+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.39+(-4)}, 1}; earlyMorning[] = {3, {{0.65, 0.55, 0.55}, 6.04+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 4.5+(-4)}, {{0.55, 0.47, 0.25}, 5.54+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 5.02+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 7.05+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.88+(-4)}, 1}; midMorning[] = {8, {{0.98, 0.85, 0.8}, 8.37+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 6.42+(-4)}, {{0.87, 0.47, 0.25}, 7.87+(-4)}, {{0.09, 0.09, 0.1}, 6.89+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 8.9+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 10.88+(-4)}, 1}; morning[] = {16, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 13.17+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 10.26+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 12.67+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 11.71+(-4)}, {{0.15, 0.15, 0.15}, 12.42+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.17, 0.15}, 14.42+(-4)}, 1}; noon[] = {45, {{1, 1, 1}, 17+(-4)}, {{1, 1.3, 1.55}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 15+(-4)}, {{0.36, 0.37, 0.38}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 16+(-4)}, {{1.0, 1.0, 1}, 17+(-4)}, 1}; }; class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy { deepNight[] = {-15, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, 0}; fullNight[] = {-5, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0}; sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.11, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5}; earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.14, 0.1, 0.12}, 0.5}; earlyMorning[] = {0, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.5}, 1}; morning[] = {5, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+8}, 1}; lateMorning[] = {25, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.75}, 1}; noon[] = {70, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+13.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+14}, 1}; }; class Weather : Weather { class Lighting : Lighting { class BrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost { overcast = 0; }; class Rainy : DayLightingRainy { overcast = 1.0; }; }; }; clutterGrid = 1.0; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 15; midDetailTexture = "\dk_tutor\data\ut_middle_mco.paa"; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 3; class Subdivision { class Fractal { rougness = 5; maxRoad = 0.02; maxTrack = 0.5; maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; maxRoad = 0.01; maxTrack = 0.05; maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; minY = 0.0; minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient { class Mammals { radius = 200; cost = "(1 + forest + trees) * (0.5 + (0.5 * night)) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)"; class Species { class Rabbit { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigBirds { radius = 300; cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class Hawk { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class Birds { radius = 170; cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))"; class Species { class Crow { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsects { radius = 20; cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; class ButterFly { probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsectsAquatic { radius = 20; cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class SmallInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class HouseFly { probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class HoneyBee { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class Mosquito { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NightInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class Mosquito { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class WindClutter { radius = 10; cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class FxWindGrass1 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindGrass2 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindRock1 { probability = "0.4 * hills"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NoWindClutter { radius = 15; cost = 8; class Species { class FxWindPollen1 { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; }; class Names { class test_airport { name = ""; position[] = {2274.02, 4980.47}; type = "NameLocal"; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test 1 { name = ""; position[] = {1606.86, 3214.33}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"???????"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; class test { name = ""; position[] = {2560.13, 5323.51}; type = "NameVillage"; speech[] = {"???"}; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; }; class Armory { positionAdmin[] = {1371.72, 986.803}; positionStart[] = {3553.74, 3589.4}; positionStartWater[] = {2473.09, 4347.44}; positionsViewer[] = {{3505.89, 4422.96}, {2616, 3846.58}, {4471.54, 3344.44}}; positionsViewerWater[] = {{2501.13, 4334.09}}; positionBlacklist[] = {{{2239.5, 4697.82}, {2672.72, 4483.66}}, {{2102.16, 3900.59}, {2359.27, 3721.42}}, {{4237.07, 2527.91}, {4497.49, 2232.53}}, {{4285.8, 2620.06}, {4354.06, 2561.19}}, {{4614.6, 3143.3}, {4698.09, 3067.87}}, {{1875.08, 4406.88}, {2423.24, 3891.43}}}; class Challenges { class CheckpointRace { backUpRoute[] = {{3800.64, 4047.15}, {3535.63, 4242.55}, {3513.32, 4394.36}, {3268.02, 4419.67}, {3150.38, 4353.57}, {3123.84, 4299.93}, {3235.84, 4066.25}, {3134.83, 3970.23}}; }; class FiringRange { positionsStart[] = {{4053.37, 3590.92}}; directionsStart[] = {268}; positionsStartWater[] = {{2607.55, 4266.4}}; directionsStartWater[] = {301}; }; class MobilityRange { positionStart[] = {{3678.79, 3497.98}}; directionStart[] = {-39.7589}; positionStartWater[] = {{3238.92, 4638.21}}; directionStartWater[] = {42.1077}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRange1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3273.11, 4125.92}}; objectSetsWater[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\mobilityRangeWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchorWater[] = {{2433.81, 4532.86}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2875.74, 4562.07}, -51.3173, 6, 4, 9, ""}}, {{{3654.02, 3527.47}, -39.1723, 5, 4, 0, ""}, {{3615.08, 3608.94}, -63.756, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3598.13, 3615.48}, -6.62724, 6, 4, 10, ""}, {{3593.1, 3689.45}, -359.19, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3570.15, 3821.25}, -106.537, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3565.51, 3835.19}, -109.166, 7, 3, 11, ""}, {{3557.65, 3856.62}, -109.802, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3554.67, 3864.93}, -108.531, 4, 3, 11, ""}, {{3534.93, 3917.89}, -51.9591, 4, 4, 7, ""}, {{3429.74, 3915.83}, -78.9244, 6, 6, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_4}, {{3242.07, 3954.28}, -85.3029, 4, 5, 8, ""}, {{3149.64, 3999.16}, -309.196, 6, 4, 4, ""}, {{3175.29, 4014.69}, -120.078, 3, 3.5, 1, ""}, {{3186.03, 4021.14}, 59.9759, 3, 3.5, 5, ""}, {{3210.67, 4038.62}, -128.937, 3, 3.5, 2, ""}, {{3220.27, 4047.91}, 222.488, 3, 3.5, 6, ""}, {{3230.72, 4060.45}, -317.304, 7, 4, 4, ""}, {{3183.1, 4158.12}, -19.0097, 3.5, 5, 8, ""}, {{3129.38, 4313.05}, 28.1792, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{3075.27, 4387.07}, 117.742, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{3014.69, 4446.2}, -28.6668, 2.5, 4, 3, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_3}, {{2979.06, 4494.58}, -238.663, 7, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2919.29, 4530.63}, -66.2291, 2.5, 4, 3, ""}, {{2828.3, 4533.75}, -443.781, 5, 4, 4, ""}, {{2539.78, 4585.74}, -81.9908, 6, 4, 9, ""}}}}; obstacleSetsWater[] = {{{{3111.9, 4750.68}, -70.678, 13, 4, 0, ""}, {{2836.9, 4783.6}, -82.9927, 9, 5, 8, ""}, {{2682.19, 4535.81}, 180.479, 13, 4, 4, ""}, {{2656.09, 4399.67}, 201.951, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2618.3, 4322.66}, 208.592, 13, 4, 7, $STR_LIB_CHAL_MOB_RANGE_HINT_1}, {{2317.4, 4327.06}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2297.85, 4344.67}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{2277.89, 4361.97}, -138.167, 12, 3, 11, ""}, {{1832.77, 4436.47}, 54.4527, 6.5, 4, 7, ""}, {{1807.27, 4210.06}, 5.07925, 5, 4, 3, ""}, {{1847.92, 4078.26}, 139.135, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{1865.75, 4059.3}, 92.9603, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1892.84, 4079.01}, 101.548, 10, 4, 10, ""}, {{1914.62, 4051.71}, 141.742, 13, 4, 10, ""}, {{2236.66, 3909.3}, -71.4176, 13, 5, 9, ""}}}; positionOncomingTraffic[] = {{3301.84, 4416.4}}; directionOncomingTraffic[] = {-69.2263}; waypointsOncomingTraffic[] = {{{3136.76, 4330.52}, {3169.15, 4201.29}, {3465.55, 4014.34}}}; positionTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {{3148.2, 3997.9}}; radiusTriggerOncomingTraffic[] = {10}; }; class FitnessTrack { positionStart[] = {{3501.61, 4172.04}}; directionStart[] = {22.54}; objectSets[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrack1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3613.29, 4303.65}}; obstacleSets[] = {{{{3504.03, 4177.42}, 21.03, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{3527.6, 4229.01}, 28.24, 2, 2, 3, ""}, {{3585.18, 4214.5}, 133.41, 1.4, 1.5, 4, ""}, {{3665.53, 4158.4}, 131.169, 3, 2, 12, ""}, {{3720.57, 4166.72}, 26.659, 2, 2, 5, ""}, {{3733.97, 4212.27}, -20.1054, 1.6, 2, 1, ""}, {{3728.57, 4254.35}, 19.1091, 1.8, 2, 2, ""}, {{3689.06, 4287.79}, -80.4368, 3, 2, 7, ""}, {{3669.58, 4327.1}, -1.14954, 3, 2, 6, ""}, {{3657.41, 4375.1}, 0.672324, 1.8, 2, 9, ""}, {{3631.66, 4476.01}, 0.672324, 2, 2, 8, ""}, {{3589.83, 4462.68}, -105.064, 4, 2, 11, ""}, {{3534.6, 4451.77}, -94.841, 4, 2, 10, ""}}}; positionMachineguns[] = {{{3591.12, 4225.24}}}; directionMachineguns[] = {{-146.416}}; positionStartAnimal[] = {{2522.99, 3818.72}}; directionStartAnimal[] = {50.14}; objectSetsAnimal[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\fitnessTrackAnimals1.sqf"}; positionAnchorAnimal[] = {{2534.63, 3855.18}}; obstacleSetsAnimal[] = {{{{2526.93, 3821.43}, 56.0742, 3, 2, 0, ""}, {{2550.85, 3835.8}, 67.6673, 3.5, 2, 7, ""}, {{2574.09, 3859.87}, 23.9655, 3.5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.26, 3855.61}, -125.516, 1.5, 2, 2, ""}, {{2531.51, 3844.03, 0.308052}, -131.471, 2.5, 2, 3, ""}, {{2516.65, 3855.09}, 31.016, 5, 2, 11, ""}, {{2545.52, 3865.04}, 57.7689, 2, 2, 9, ""}, {{2558.34, 3878.36}, 46.829, 2.5, 2, 10, ""}}}; }; class KillHouse { class Small { positionStart[] = {{4372.12, 3268.46}}; directionStart[] = {-150}; positionEnd[] = {{4398.92, 3247.89}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseSmall1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{4353.32, 3220.55}}; waypoints[] = {{{4347.74, 3229.3}, {4316.48, 3257.66}, {4300.64, 3227.78}, {4326.66, 3201.96}, {4373.05, 3162.86}, {4392.04, 3199.32}, {4367.54, 3220}, {4365, 3237.88}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {4363.81, 3236.66}; direction = -195; upTime = 4; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4361.34, 3247.7}; radiusTrigger = 10; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {4343.31, 3239.9}; direction = -139; upTime = 5; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4346.01, 3237.65}; positionTrigger[] = {4357.45, 3242.05}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {4326.04, 3235.42}; direction = -79; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4341.4, 3232.26}; }; class T3A : T1 { position[] = {4325.37, 3234.84, -0.3}; direction = -79; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {4335.22, 3266.19}; direction = 0; positionTrigger[] = {4327.81, 3248.47}; }; class T4A : T1 { position[] = {4335.44, 3265.54}; direction = 2; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {4315.57, 3250.36}; direction = -52; upTime = 7; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4317.41, 3252.77}; positionTrigger[] = {4333.1, 3243.44}; type = VArmor; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {4284.16, 3250.31}; direction = -94; positionTrigger[] = {4310.81, 3254.21}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {4305.07, 3236.81}; direction = -143; moveTime = 1; positionMove[] = {4303.4, 3238.28}; positionTrigger[] = {4304.84, 3245.54}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {4288.07, 3231.64}; direction = -127; positionTrigger[] = {4303.25, 3243.37}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {4292.72, 3207.37}; direction = -150; moveTime = 2; positionMove[] = {4289.86, 3209.33}; positionTrigger[] = {4300.39, 3224.76}; side = TGuerrila; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {4338.44, 3206.42}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4318.39, 3208.53}; spawn = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {4319.66, 3198.43}; direction = -168; positionTrigger[] = {4317.57, 3208.43}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {4347.18, 3201.18, 13}; direction = -254; positionTrigger[] = {4314.15, 3211.11}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {4368.17, 3185.94, 1.5}; direction = -329; positionTrigger[] = {4354.41, 3179.92}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {4364.86, 3156.36}; direction = -193; positionTrigger[] = {4360.79, 3170.82}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {4400.79, 3161.06}; direction = -256; positionTrigger[] = {4372.89, 3162.85}; spawn = 1; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {4377.58, 3180.78}; direction = -411; moveTime = 0.5; positionMove[] = {4380.26, 3178.52}; positionTrigger[] = {4385.27, 3180.39}; type = VArmor; spawn = 1; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {4375.55, 3220.22, 0.5}; direction = -399; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4380.89, 3209.48}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {4378.51, 3224.31, 0.5}; direction = -379; upTime = 5; positionTrigger[] = {4382.05, 3210.64}; side = TGuerrila; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {4372.08, 3220.91, 0.3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4368.59, 3219.04}; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {4370.64, 3224.32, 3}; direction = -327; positionTrigger[] = {4365.82, 3221.48}; radiusTrigger = 5; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {4352.69, 3224.12}; direction = -100; positionTrigger[] = {4359.28, 3227.04}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {4360.77, 3234.22}; direction = -9; positionTrigger[] = {4359.54, 3227.01}; radiusTrigger = 5; spawn = 1; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {4385.73, 3252.95}; direction = 52; positionTrigger[] = {4372.85, 3242.49}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {4405.8, 3234.9}; direction = -328; positionTrigger[] = {4391.75, 3198.97}; spawn = 1; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {4332.16, 3205.09}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {4332.64, 3203.82}; direction = 91; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {4408.23, 3214.53}; direction = 55; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; }; }; }; class Large { positionStart[] = {{3606.17, 4333.78}}; directionStart[] = {-50}; positionEnd[] = {{3239.65, 4617.44}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseLarge1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3380.22, 4466.3}}; waypoints[] = {{{3514.41, 4393.61}, {3419, 4407.37}, {3328.18, 4408.85}, {3268.85, 4418.6}, {3266.64, 4493.98}, {3284.06, 4583.24}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3577.55, 4366.1}; direction = 306; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3576.61, 4365.01}; moveTime = 0.5; type = VArmor; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3582.99, 4352.23}; radiusTrigger = 15; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3548.22, 4368.37}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3559.07, 4369.32}; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3546.71, 4369.24}; direction = 273; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3558.55, 4368.65}; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3546.42, 4370.48}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3557.98, 4367.98}; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3546.3, 4368.13}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3545.4, 4369.81}; direction = -89; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3512.44, 4383.44}; direction = 290; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3513.98, 4388.84}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3528.54, 4387.7}; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3535.62, 4413.49}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3516.36, 4407.7}; moveTime = 2; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.58, 4381.72}; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3535.47, 4414.21}; direction = 321; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {3515.63, 4408.28}; moveTime = 2; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3539.93, 4382.4}; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3487.57, 4389.02}; direction = -138; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3464.23, 4417.06}; direction = 302; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.05, 4407.3}; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3462.8, 4416.33}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4408.32}; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3462.16, 4417.19}; direction = 301; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3472.17, 4409.33}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3439.04, 4387.47}; direction = -135; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3438.38, 4387.35}; direction = 232; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3452.79, 4410.44}; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3414.22, 4415.3}; direction = -13; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3413.96, 4398.87}; direction = 205; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.7, 4407.88}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3412.31, 4398.46}; direction = 217; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3416.99, 4406.13}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3394.82, 4409.43}; direction = 260; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3395.08, 4407.5}; moveTime = 1; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.27, 4405.2}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3393.42, 4409.38}; direction = 259; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {3394.2, 4406.06}; moveTime = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3400.56, 4403.81}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3373.15, 4435.15}; direction = 331; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3383.87, 4403.36}; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3368.13, 4435.08}; direction = 331; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3384.23, 4401.56}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3323.64, 4390.38}; direction = 213; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.09, 4406.25}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3321.87, 4393.55}; direction = 243; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3333.13, 4407.58}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3304.68, 4430.03}; direction = 22; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3303.71, 4429.89}; direction = 0; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3249.26, 4427.49, 4.7}; direction = 279; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3277.89, 4420.61}; }; class T28 : T1 { position[] = {3237.51, 4419.06}; direction = -93; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TWest; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {}; }; class T29 : T1 { position[] = {3289.86, 4451.7}; direction = 358; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3276.79, 4451.41}; moveTime = 2; size = 1; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3266.25, 4441.87}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T30 : T1 { position[] = {3275.34, 4548.25}; direction = 368; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3270.03, 4523.94}; moveTime = 4; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3267.81, 4509.01}; radiusTrigger = 25; }; class T31 : T1 { position[] = {3307.44, 4527.45}; direction = 391; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3262.47, 4482.93}; }; class T32 : T1 { position[] = {3310.6, 4529.73}; direction = 391; upTime = 7; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3263.88, 4482.84}; }; class T33 : T1 { position[] = {3304.46, 4532.7}; direction = 370; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T34 : T1 { position[] = {3239.02, 4585.21, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 9; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3265.3, 4482.75}; }; class T35 : T1 { position[] = {3234.93, 4590.02, 5.2}; direction = 273; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; positionTrigger[] = {3270.38, 4584.6}; }; class T36 : T1 { position[] = {3231.24, 4594.83}; direction = 313; upTime = 6; positionMove[] = {3232.51, 4596.74}; moveTime = 0.5; spawn = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3270.67, 4587.21}; }; class T37 : T1 { position[] = {3261.32, 4627.11, -0.5}; direction = 375; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3245.9, 4609.07}; }; class T38 : T1 { position[] = {3251.97, 4639, 3.3}; direction = 364; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; spawn = 1; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3245.25, 4607.96}; }; class T39 : T1 { position[] = {3258.42, 4641.5, 3.3}; direction = 356; upTime = 8; positionMove[] = {}; type = VSoft; side = TGuerrila; positionTrigger[] = {3244.59, 4606.65}; }; }; }; }; class CfgMaterials { class Water; class Dk_Water: Water { ambient[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,0.4}; diffuse[] = {0.032,0.108,0.128,1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0264,0.03,0.013,0}; specular[] = {1.5,1.5,1.5,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; class Stage1 { class uvTransform { aside[] = {0,1,0}; up[] = {1,0,0}; dir[] = {0,0,1}; pos[] = {0.3,0.4,0}; }; texture = "ca\data\data\water_nofhq.paa"; uvSource = "texWaterAnim"; }; class Stage3 { texture = "ca\data\data\water2_nohq.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage4 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage5 { texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)"; uvSource = "none"; }; PixelShaderID = "Water"; VertexShaderID = "Water"; specularPower = 4; class Stage2 { texture = "CA\data\data\sea_foam_lco.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; }; }; //SURFACES #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" class Water1 { positionStart[] = {{3779.95, 4578.2}}; directionStart[] = {-129}; positionEnd[] = {{3291.18, 4748.07}}; objectSet[] = {"ca\utes\data\scripts\armory\killHouseWater1.sqf"}; positionAnchor[] = {{3472.11, 4612.95}}; waypoints[] = {{{3665.59, 4485.37}, {3649.04, 4630.17}, {3480.45, 4749.11}, {3294.28, 4637.41}}}; class Targets { class Set1 { class T1 { position[] = {3631.92, 4453.94, 1.3}; direction = 199; upTime = 10; positionMove[] = {}; moveTime = 0; type = VSoft; side = TEast; size = 0; spawn = 0; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; radiusTrigger = 60; }; class T2 : T1 { position[] = {3631.94, 4446.05, -0.6}; direction = 199; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3636.93, 4462.39, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; }; class T3 : T1 { position[] = {3642.53, 4438.52, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 13; }; class T4 : T1 { position[] = {3644.79, 4438.62, 1.25}; direction = 191; upTime = 14; spawn = 1; }; class T5 : T1 { position[] = {3648.49, 4437.73, 1.25}; direction = 182; upTime = 14; }; class T6 : T1 { position[] = {3626.42, 4452.67, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T7 : T1 { position[] = {3625.13, 4452.79, 1.3}; direction = 204; side = TGuerrila; }; class T8 : T1 { position[] = {3617.91, 4454.68, 1.38}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T9 : T1 { position[] = {3613.94, 4456.71, 1.45}; direction = 196; upTime = 14; }; class T10 : T1 { position[] = {3566.3, 4547.98}; direction = 274; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; spawn = 1; }; class T11 : T1 { position[] = {3538.83, 4558.52}; direction = 260; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; size = 1; }; class T12 : T1 { position[] = {3548.04, 4577.36}; direction = 286; positionTrigger[] = {3641.83, 4588.82}; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3547.08, 4570.13}; moveTime = 1; }; class T13 : T1 { position[] = {3496.91, 4645.84}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T14 : T1 { position[] = {3494.94, 4653.81}; direction = 210; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T15 : T1 { position[] = {3493.06, 4655.41}; direction = 222; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; spawn = 1; }; class T16 : T1 { position[] = {3484.71, 4653.06}; direction = 209; positionTrigger[] = {3542.25, 4694.19}; }; class T17 : T1 { position[] = {3268, 4624.69, -0.6}; direction = 223; upTime = 15; positionMove[] = {3291.73, 4656.29, -0.6}; moveTime = 2; type = VArmor; size = 1; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T18 : T1 { position[] = {3272.34, 4655.98, 3.3}; direction = 268; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T19 : T1 { position[] = {3273.43, 4659.58, 3.3}; direction = 271; positionTrigger[] = {3326.3, 4673.17}; }; class T20 : T1 { position[] = {3244.2, 4609.69, 3.3}; direction = 223; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T21 : T1 { position[] = {3269.18, 4599.34, 3.3}; direction = 202; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; spawn = 1; }; class T22 : T1 { position[] = {3266.3, 4598.87, 3.3}; direction = 208; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T23 : T1 { position[] = {3270.94, 4594.98, 3.3}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T24 : T1 { position[] = {3234.49, 4589.54, 5.2}; direction = 226; positionTrigger[] = {3269.28, 4615.35}; }; class T25 : T1 { position[] = {3388.23, 4620.1}; direction = 191; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T26 : T1 { position[] = {3397.3, 4619.61}; direction = 178; positionTrigger[] = {}; side = TWest; }; class T27 : T1 { position[] = {3695.67, 4394.08}; direction = 193; positionTrigger[] = {3653.38, 4476.69}; side = TWest; type = VArmor; positionMove[] = {3666.65, 4399.16}; moveTime = 1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; safePositionAnchor[] = {3448.11, 3627.18}; safePositionRadius = 2000; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class red_forest {}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class RedIntro1 { directory = "\dk_tutor\data\scenes\intro.red_forest"; }; }; }; check in this what is in the class water1 (Line 1083 if you use notpad++)(i rename it because this code inside this class is not water class) Thanks it worked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragonsyr 21 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Thanks it worked i m glad that this helps you. So you figure out what is all those ?objects? in water1 class? Also if you have Place Names in your map island, you must create a file with a name (cfgNames.hpp or whatever you want) and dont forget to include this file in your config.cpp in line class Names { #include "cfgNames_or_yourname.hpp" so make this threat Solved......... :-) Edited November 26, 2012 by dragonsyr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites