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Multi-Respawn by Group Script.

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Hi guys,

I'm making an MSO and I seem to be the only person who has wanted to tackle this idea on the interwebs that I could find :P. I have 4 different groups. 2 infantry groups and 2 pilot groups. The Infantry both spawn on land and at separate locations and each pilot group spawns at a vessel off shore. One spawns on an LHD and another spawns on the carrier. Unfortunately my code for the respawn wont work D: I have 4 separate respawn markers and I utilize a respawn array that I edited from another mission.

http://pastebin.com/3U17UiAg this is my init

Can anybody help me with this? My scripting knowledge is very limited D:

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Yes I am testing on a dedicated server. Everyone spawns in the *correct* spot, its just that the off coast pilots do not spawn above the carrier

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Ahhh... they are spawning in the ocean at sea level. So... breaking it down...

_lhdheight = 15;                        //lhd deck height.. check this because I don't know!!
_lhdpos = getmarkerpos "respawn_lhd";   //get the marker position
_lhdpos set [2,_lhdheight];             //set (z) to deck height
player setPos _lhdpos;                  //move the player

or one long line...

if (str player in _fob3) exitWith {player setPos [(getMarkerPos "respawn_lhd") select 0,(getMarkerPos "respawn_lhd") select 1,[color="#FF0000"]15[/color]]};

...and the same for the carrier and you should be good to go!

EDIT: I'm not sure of the deck heights so some experimentation or searching will be needed. Forgot to mention that! :)

Edited by twirly

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Ahhh... they are spawning in the ocean at sea level. So... breaking it down...

_lhdheight = 15;                        //lhd deck height.. check this because I don't know!!
_lhdpos = getmarkerpos "respawn_lhd";   //get the marker position
_lhdpos set [2,_lhdheight];             //set (z) to deck height
player setPos _lhdpos;                  //move the player

or one long line...

if (str player in _fob3) exitWith {player setPos [(getMarkerPos "respawn_lhd") select 0,(getMarkerPos "respawn_lhd") select 1,[color="#FF0000"]15[/color]]};

...and the same for the carrier and you should be good to go!

EDIT: I'm not sure of the deck heights so some experimentation or searching will be needed. Forgot to mention that! :)

Thank you so much this worked! I appreciate it.

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------

Okay got another issue, for some reason, some of the players spawn, but instead of spawning ON the actual marker they spawn a like 30 meters to the SE of it off of the carrier. Is this a code issue?

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Probably is.... make sure you didn't mix up the selects in the getmarkerpos's

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