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When using setposASL remember that terrain is also above sea level.

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I just ran into something i hadn't thought off and i thought the problem was in Arma.

My problem was, during testing with setposASL, i positioned an infantry man on the North-western airfield in Chernarus, after placing the following code on the unit's init field

this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 20];

It refused to place my unit 20 meters above, after many frustrating attempts, i decided to test it above the water, and it worked, i then looked upon land and realized that the terrain also had different altitudes, thus i came to the conclusion you need to have the approximate altitude of the terrain at your point and add the amount you want above that to get the correct effect. Thus i found out that the North West airfield in Chernarus is approximately 339 meters above sea level, this is not exact though. Thus i fixed my problem.

Though this might not be news to anyone, i'd like to let everyone now so as to enlighten other people when they run into that specific situation.

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Or you might just do getPos something select 2, which will give you the position on the "z" axis, which is meters above the ground.

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Hint: ASL in setPosASL stands for Above Sea Level.

A command you may be interested in is setPosATL (Above Terrain Level) or just plain ol' setPos.

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Yes yes. i know about plain old setPos and setPosATL. Though setPos is generally pretty irritating to use when you just want to place a unit on top of a building or something ^-^

and setPosATL is pretty buggy for me sometimes :/ especially on slopes and such

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