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Max x/y of a map

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How can you figure out the maximum x and y worldspace coordinate of a map? I know for Chernarus it's 14700/15360, but how would I go about figuring out what it is for a certain custom map?

(the custom map in question is Taviana Island)

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Figured it out, just placed markers in the corners of the map in the editor, saved mission, opened mission.sqm and saw the position of the marker.

Edited by gdscei

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Yes, or you could just read the marker positions with a script and copy the markers to any mission that needs them, in case you are working on some kind of a portable mission template rather than a generic script pack.

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Following is used to determine map size and center, inherent to that is getting the min and max of of the map. Have at it.

[_unit,_debug] spawn {
//by Kempco	
private ["_grid_size"];

_unit = _this select 0;
_debug = _this select 1;

openMap [true, false];
WaitUntil {visibleMap};

_Map_display = findDisplay 12;
_map_cntrl = _Map_display displayCtrl 51;
// Temporarily zoom out as much as possible and measure the screen.
_map_cntrl ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, 1000, [9999999999, 9999999999]];
ctrlMapAnimCommit _map_cntrl;
waitUntil {ctrlMapAnimDone _map_cntrl};
_zoom_max = ctrlMapScale _map_cntrl;
_limit =  _map_cntrl ctrlMapScreenToWorld [0.5, 0.5];
_x_max = _limit select 0;
_y_max = _limit select 1;

_top_right = [_x_max,_y_max,0];
_top_left = [0,_y_max,1];
_btm_left = [0,0,0];
_btm_right = [_x_max,0,0];

_map_center = [0.5*(_limit select 0),0.5*(_limit select 1)];

_grid_size_y =getNumber(_cfg>>"Zoom1">>"stepX");
_grid_size_x =getNumber(_cfg>>"Zoom1">>"stepY");

_grid_size = abs(_grid_size_y);
if (_grid_size_y < 100) then {
	_grid_size = abs(_grid_size_y*_grid_size_x);
}else{_grid_size = abs(_grid_size_y)};

_w = _top_right distance _top_left;
_h = _top_right distance _btm_right;

_map_width = _limit select 0;
_map_height = _limit select 1;

_Map_Area_Grids = (_map_width/_grid_size)*(_map_height/_grid_size);
_Map_Area_km = (_map_width/1000)*(_map_height/1000);

if (_debug) then {
	_m = createmarker ["MapSize",_map_center];
	_m setmarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
	_m setmarkerSize [_map_width /2,_map_height/2];
	_m setmarkerAlpha 0.15;
	_m setmarkercolor "ColorRed";

	_m = createmarker ["MapWNote",[-150,(_map_center select 0)]];
	_m setmarkerText format["Delta X: %1 km",(_x_max/1000)];
	_m setmarkersize [0,0];
	_m setmarkerType "Dot";
	_m setmarkercolor "Colorblack";

	_m = createmarker ["MapLNote",[(_map_center select 1),-150]];
	_m setmarkerText format ["Delta Y: %1 km",(_y_max/1000)];
	_m setmarkersize [0,0];
	_m setmarkerType "Dot";
	_m setmarkercolor "Colorblack";

	_m = createmarker ["MapSizeNote",_map_center];
	_m setmarkerText format ["(Map Size: %1 sq km)",_Map_Area_km];
	_m setmarkersize [0,0];
	_m setmarkerType "Dot";
	_m setmarkercolor "Colorblack";

_mapsize = _Map_Area_km;

WaitUntil {!isNil "_mapsize"};

_Size_stndrd = 235.93;
_zoom_stndrd = 0.05;

private ["_zoom","_mltplr"];

_add = true;
_percnt = (_mapsize/_Size_stndrd);
if (_percnt  > 1) then {_percnt = _percnt mod 1;_add = false};
_percntof = 1 - (_percnt);
_zoom_dif = _percntof*_zoom_stndrd;
if !(_add) then {
	_zoom = _zoom_stndrd - _zoom_dif; 
	_zoom = _zoom_dif + _zoom_stndrd; 

if (_zoom > 0.095) then {
	_zoom = 0.25
	if (_zoom == 0) then {
		_zoom = _zoom + _zoom_stndrd
		if (_zoom < 0) then {_zoom = 0};
JTK_HALO_Min_GPS_Zoom = _zoom;
JTK_MapCenter = _map_center;

openMap [false, false];

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