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Question on blakes mobile parts workshop oh _ee_v0_2_1a_

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Hi all

Downloaded the files but not sure where to put them, I assume the pbo files goes in the addons folder but not sure where to put the BISING file and the Serverkey folder



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In you Take On Helicopter Folder. Create a folder Named for exemple "@blakes_mobile_parts_workshop_v0_2_1a".

Then in folder create an other named "Addons". Put all the .pbo and .bisign in this "addons" folder.

Now you can start the addons via launcher. Or the TOH.exe or again with the extension menu on the main game screnn.

Enjoy and report if problem. :)

take on helicopters\@Blake_M_P_W2_1a\addons\Here goes all the .pbo and .bisign.

The server key file must goes here "take on helicopters\Keys\here". It's only if you want to host a signed game. Signed mean that ppl need to have exactly the same addons than the server. it's a kind of anti cheat.



Edited by hon0

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Questions related to specific addons belong in the thread of that specific addon. In this case use the blakes mobile parts workshop thread.

§7) Search before posting

If you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker.

§8) Post in the right forum & right thread

Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. If a thread exists for the topic you wish to post about you must use it, for example all ACE questions belong in the ACE thread. All addon/mod questions belong in the thread for that addon/mod. In the case of DayZ discussions they should be posted on the DayZ forums, this includes problems with the Modification. The troubleshooting forum is not for problems with Addons and Mods!

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