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Type array expected...

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I'm receiving an error on this line:

if (getpos ExecDealer != posExecDealer) then {

posExecDealer is defined as:

posExecDealer = getPos ExecDealer;

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You cannot compare positions, eg. [10, 20, 0] != [15, 15, 0] it not permitted. You can however check that their distance is very little:

if ( (getPos ExecDealer) distance posExecDealer < 5) then {

Which is true if they are less than 5m from each other.

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Thanks. Also, is it possible to do a foreach loop for this?:

posExecDealer = getPos ExecDealer;
posUsedDealer = getPos UsedDealer;

if ((getPos ExecDealer) distance posExecDealer > 1) then {
ExecDealer setpos posExecDealer;

if ((getPos UsedDealer) distance posUsedDealer > 1) then {
UsedDealer setpos posUsedDealer;

Edited by eagledude4

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Is the stuff in red right? ... somehow that doesn't seem to make much sense... but it might!

if ((getPos ExecDealer) distance posExecDealer > 1) then {
ExecDealer setpos posExecDealer;

if ((getPos UsedDealer) distance posUsedDealer > 1) then {
[color="#FF0000"]ExecDealer setpos posExecDealer;[/color]

Shouldn't it be:-

if ((getPos UsedDealer) distance posUsedDealer > 1) then {
[b]UsedDealer[/b] setpos [b]posUsedDealer[/b];

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Yes, sorry. What the script is supposed to do is define the location of each npc by doing:

posUsedDealer = getPos UsedDealer;

and then later loop if their location has changed. If it has changed, to put them back in the original position. I use the npcs as shops in my RP Mod and this prevents people from moving the npcs around :) What I meant by my loop question was: Is there a way to make a loop function instead of having

if ((getPos UsedDealer) distance posUsedDealer > 1) then {
ExecDealer setpos posExecDealer;

for every single npc I have.

Edited by eagledude4

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Kylania is right, I, used the '<' when I should have used '>'. If your goals is to just not have the ai's move there might be a better solution. Put this in their init line:

this disableAI "MOVE";

Then they should no longer move around, and you won't need a script to continously reposition them.

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I already have that in the init for all my AI.

The above prevents ai from moving themselves, not other players forcing them to move. And when did kylania reply? :P

Edited by eagledude4

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... And when did kylania reply? :P

Ooops. Brainfart. Sry twirly... Was probably having multiple tabs open and switching at the time.

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Is there a way to make a loop function instead of having


if ((getPos UsedDealer) distance posUsedDealer > 1) then {
ExecDealer setpos posExecDealer;

for every single npc I have.

It's a bit tricky since you use 2 variables, the original position, and the unit, for each npc.

If you do put this in your init for your npc's then it becomes easier since we only have to know the npc. (although subjectively not simpler).

this setVariable ["HoldPos", getPos this];

Then you can have a single script:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_npcs = [usedDealer, ExecDealer, ......., LastDealer];

while {true} do {
       _holdPos = _x getVariable "HoldPos";
       //Check that the position have not been "ruined" - unlikely to happen, but better than teleporting your npcs out to nothing:
       if (!isNil _holdPos) then {
           if ((getPos _x) distance _holdPos > 1) then {
               _x setPos _holdPos;
  } forEach _npcs;
  sleep 2 + random 5;

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Instead of

this setVariable ["HoldPos", getPos this];


this setVariable ["HoldPos", getPos this, true];

Makes setVariable value global

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Why would you need to make it global if only the server is doing it ? :)

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That was exactly what I was looking for, however, I got the type array expected string,code error for the !isNil condition, so I took it out of the code. and now the positions aren't getting reset.

Edited by eagledude4

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