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publicVariable JIP

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When I publicVariable a variable, will the variables current/correct bool state be broadcast to jip players automatically when they join?

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Yes, also remember that value is assigned before the init.sqf runs so if you plan on having it JIP you must check for it's value status. (isNil)

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Okay, so I broadcasted some publicvariables via triggers. (OnAct: mine_box_moved=true; publicVariable "mine_box_moved") etc etc. My init.sqf includes an call

onplayerConnected "[] execVM ""playerConnected.sqf""";


if (mine_box_objective) then {_this = execVM "objective1.sqf"} else {deleteMarker "mine_box_M";deletemarker "mines_delivery_M"};
if (mine_box_moved) then {deleteMarker "mine_box_M"} else {};

When a player connects (dedicated) most times it succeeds in syncing the marker state with the JIP player, but on occasion it doesn't. Would i use (isNil) somewhere or somehow to make this full proof?

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onPlayerConnected only runs on the server.

You also do not need "else {};", it's optional.

If you just publicVariable when an objective is done you can do something like this in init.sqf

if (!isNil "myObjectivePublicVariable") then {"myMarker" setMarkerAlphaLocal 0};

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onPlayerConnected only runs on the server.

You also do not need "else {};", it's optional.

If you just publicVariable when an objective is done you can do something like this in init.sqf

if (!isNil "myObjectivePublicVariable") then {"myMarker" setMarkerAlphaLocal 0};

Does setMarkerAlphaLocal work with scripted/created markers?

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so it wouldn't work for JIP players? haha this is getting frustrating. I just want to keep markers that i've created or deleted, synced for jip players.

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Something like this maybe.

if (isServer) then 
 TAG_markerArray = [];
 onPlayerConnected '{_x setMarkerPos (markerPos _x)} forEach TAG_markerArray';

// bla bla objective script

_marker = createMarker ["test",getPos test];
TAG_markerArray set [count TAG_markerArray,_marker];

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Something like this maybe.

if (isServer) then 
 TAG_markerArray = [];
 onPlayerConnected '{_x setMarkerPos (markerPos _x)} forEach TAG_markerArray';

// bla bla objective script

_marker = createMarker ["test",getPos test];
TAG_markerArray set [count TAG_markerArray,_marker];

hehe, I don't understand any of that. Oh well, I think i'll just stick to SP missions or just playing the game. I didn't realize keeping markers synced to players who join in progress was such a technical chore.

Thanks for trying to help though guys.

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haha so I didn't completely give up. Here's what I did.

if (!isnil "mine_box_moved") then {"mine_box_M" setmarkeralpha 0};

onAct: mine_box_moved=true; publicvariable "mine_box_moved"; 

Edited by Iceman77

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Hope I don't steer you wrong... there might be more to it than just this but try making mine_box_moved equal to something in the OnAct. It doesn't matter if it's true or a number like 0 or 1.


onAct: mine_box_moved = true; publicvariable "mine_box_moved";

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Hope I don't steer you wrong... there might be more to it than just this but try making mine_box_moved equal to something in the OnAct. It doesn't matter if it's true or a number like 0 or 1.


onAct: mine_box_moved = true; publicvariable "mine_box_moved";

Was a typo, I set it to true. None the less thanks twirly! You always come with solutions :cool:

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