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Bullet impact help? New hear and tried to search it help...

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Hey guys so heres the issue, regardless of what mod I'm playing, attempting to spot long range shots (generally 400m+) for a friend, I cannot see any bullet impact. We ain't using tracers nor plan to, I can see my bullet impact 800-900m out easy, but he fires at the same spot and I got nothing. So now that I explained the situation most likely in the incorrect section on the forum my question...

Is there a graphical adjustment I can do to make it so I can see the impact of others future out better what? Not sure what graphical setting or file I need to investigate. Tried to search Google, got nothing. Throw me a bone? Hold the flame? :yay:

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I don't play MP so can't help directly. However:

Are you using the same weapons? What calibre? Try the USMC M107 or BAF AS50, those produce heavy-duty impacts especially if you place something like a car as an initial target.

No offense, but can your friend actually shoot? :P

Can he see your shots strike? - that's quite an important question...

Oh, and welcome to the forums :)

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