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Unlocking a locked gate

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Hi i am having problems unlocking a locked gate. The gate locks fine. Problem is i cant get the gate to unlock. I know for sure it is reading the uids as it is displaying the correct message to the players. Here is the code i am using, any suggestions?

I create a gate and name it gate1 and in the init field i have this

this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{}]; lock= [] execVM "lock.sqf"

lock.sqf contains this

Lock = true;
APlayers = ["123456", "123456"];
while {Lock} do
gate1 animate ["Door01",0];
sleep 0.1;

I then create a trigger over the gate and in the init field i have this

unlock = [] execVM "unlock.sqf"

unlock.sqf contains this

if (getPlayerUID player in APlayers) then
Lock = false;
gate1 animate ["Door01",1];
hint "Gate Unlocked!";
Lock = true;
gate1 animate ["Door01",0];
hint "Gate Is Locked!";

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What is the exact classname of the gate you are creating? Is it a double door gate? If I know this, I can tell you the correct command.

Most of the gates I have found which you can open and close use the following:

this animate ["Dvere1", 0];

this animate ["Dvere1", 1];

or for double door gates:

this animate ["Dvere1", 0];this animate ["Dvere2", 0];

this animate ["Dvere1", 1];this animate ["Dvere2", 1];

Although I have also found DoorL and DoorR. Is this a bar gate?

What triggers the trigger you have placed?

Edited by panther42

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it is a "Land_BarGate2".

I have it working for the most part now. its still a little buggy when there are more than 2 players on the trigger. but one at a time it works great.

here is what i have now

the gate

init="this addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{}]; lock = execVM ""gate\lock.sqf""";


while {isNil "gLock"} do
gate1 animate ["Door01",0];
sleep 0.1;

I place a trigger around the gate

expActiv="unlock = execVM ""gate\unlock.sqf""";
expDesactiv="relock = execVM ""gate\relock.sqf""";


if (isNil "gLock") then
_meters = player distance gate1;
if (_meters <= 15) then 
	_Players = ["123456","123456"];
	if (getPlayerUID player in _Players) then
		gLock = false;
		publicVariable "gLock";
		gate1 animate ["Door01",1];


if (!isNil "gLock") then
gLock = Nil;
publicVariable "gLock";
lock = execVM "gate\lock.sqf"

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