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UPS and the Markers

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i Downloaded the UPS Script (Version: 2.1.0) the 2.20 looks Buggy (is that right?).

The Script works and i start it with: nul=[this,"cityzone"] execVM "ups.sqf"

Cityzone = The Name of the Marker (Ellipse 300x300 Solid). My Problem is that i wannt on Takistan

be 3 Towns be Patroled with the UPS but i need to make a Marker on every Town that looks strange

and silli on the Map.

Is it posible to make that invisible in a script for all 3 Towns and if yes how could i do that?

I need to say i am a 100% at scripting.

Please help if you can :D



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"cityzone1" setMarkerAlpha 0;
"cityZone2" setMarkerAlpha 0;
"cityZone3" setMarkerAlpha 0;

Put that in your init.sqf and your city markers will be transparent but still work for the UPS script.

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There is also a line that is written in "hints and tips" in the script folder that will hide all areas named "area0" up to "area13" I think.

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