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major woody

Custom GroupSize on High-Command Icons

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I would like to provide the opportunity to add custom groupSize to my Extended Markers



As I wrote in this thread there's this script: \modules\Marta\data\scripts\fnc_getSize.sqf which defines the groupSize.

scriptName "Marta\data\scripts\fnc_getSize.sqf";



Author: Karel Moricky


Get group's size.


_this: Group


0: Fireteam o

1: Squad .

2: Section ..

3: Platoon ...

4: Company |

5: Battalion ||

6: Regiment |||

7: Brigade X

8: Division XX

9: Corps XXX

10: Army XXXX

11: Army Group XXXXX


private ["_grp","_prefix","_type","_side","_units","_groupS ize","_infantry","_armor","_air","_count"];

_grp = _this select 0;

_grpUnits = _this select 1;

_type = _this select 2;

_side = side _grp;

_groupSize = -1;

//--- Basic classes

_infantry = ["inf","motor_inf","mech_inf"];

_armor = ["armor"];

_air = ["air","plane"];

_support = ["support","med","ammo","fuel","maint"];

//--- Infantry group

if (_type in _infantry) then {

_count = {alive _x} count (units _grp);

_groupSize = 0;

if (_count >= 4) then {_groupSize = 1};

if (_count >= 12) then {_groupSize = 2};

if (_count >= 25) then {_groupSize = 3};

if (_count >= 60) then {_groupSize = 4};

if (_count >= 300) then {_groupSize = 5};

if (_count >= 1000) then {_groupSize = 6};


//--- Armored group

if (_type in _armor) then {

_count = {_x == effectivecommander vehicle _x && vehicle _x iskindof "tank" && alive _x} count _grpUnits;

_groupSize = 1;

if (_count >= 2) then {_groupSize = 2};

if (_count >= 4) then {_groupSize = 3};

if (_count >= 12) then {_groupSize = 4};

if (_count >= 100) then {_groupSize = 5};


//--- Air Force group

if (_type in _air) then {

_count = {_x == effectivecommander vehicle _x && _x iskindof "air" && alive _x} count _grpUnits;

_groupSize = 2;

if (_count >= 4) then {_groupSize = 3};

if (_count >= 20) then {_groupSize = 4};


//--- Support

if (_type in _support) then {

_groupSize = -1;



Being able to define a fixed groupSilike this would be nice: (group this) setVariable ["MARTA_customicon", ["b_recon","4"]] - where "4" defines a 'Company' Size...

- how would that be possible...?

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