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Allied Special Operations Group-Recruiting

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Our clan was formed on 5th October 2012 by a group of dedicated ArmA players, who after leaving another clan decided it was time to set up a clan that would focus solely on having fun playing the magnificent and challenging game that is ArmA.

In our clan we have some very experienced map makers, script creators and mod creators which can lead to some very exciting and fun operations.

The members in the clan thus far are from a wide range of nationalities like the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany,Switzerland, Finland, Australia and the USA. Having these guys on board is one of the main reason we chose the name we did.

More about us

Our unit is based more on a special or black Ops unit operating in small 4 man fire teams like the british SAS we however use american equipment and tactics.We are not a milsim unit and never will be,we are gamers who have a love for the same game and play co-opratively to achive our objective

We do not have any specific roles/mos or more inportantly rank.We do have alot of experienced players who will be more than happy to share the knowledge they have with you.In your time with use you will get the chance to train in Artillery, mortars, air craft usage,sniper recon, demolition, close quarters combat, parrachuting and vehicle handling.thats if you want to.

To date we have our own teamspeak server,website and two Arma servers.One runs vanilla(no mods)which we use to host our 30 slot public server running domination.Our second server is our private ACE one,we use this for Ops and for all our ACE needs.

Mods we use

rh-mgs,m4 and hk416 with ACE configs

all ACE mods cba,usnavy etc

some unit mods bb mercs mctier1 and a few more

we also runn acustom mod folder containing all kinds of goodies

What we want from you?


All we ask is that you are on teamspeak and are willing to download all the mods we use to take part in our private operation

How to join

Read small print at the bottom of this post then head to our website for all the info you need


Small Print

We in asog prefer the people who are willing to join us to be 18 years old and above, we prefer this because we don't enforce any rules regarding bad language, after all in the heat of battle the last thing you will care about is minding what you say! So if bad language offends, this might not be what your looking for.

What we will not stand for here under any circumstances is racism in any shape or form, considering the wide ranging membership we hope to achieve, this rule must be enforced to highest degree.

Politics is a subject that we don't really care about but, if you wish to have a political discussion, we do ask you to do it in private or make sure that everyone is happy to take part.

As mentioned at the start of this message, with us its all about playing the game and having fun, so join us if that's what your looking for!

Edited by LadiesMan
forgot to put a link to our website in sorry ;-)

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With the pending release of ARMA3 we have a clan have decided to move all our future OPs to ARMA3.

We will kick off this weekend Sat 9th we will be running a familiarization day and hope to play a few of the showcase MP missions. This will last all day Saturday so if you’re looking to play come find us. We welcome people from outside our clan on every operation we just ask that respect our rules.

The Following week sat 16th March we are hoping to have our first official operation. We just need a bit of time to get to grips with the new map editor etc. but we should be able to get a playable mission out in time.

One last thing we are very much still active as a clan and are openly looking for new members or even people just to TAG along on Ops.

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