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Need help with RscTitles dialog onLoad problem.

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Hello all, I've got a problem with my titleRsc dialog.

Here is my dialog example.

class RscTitles
   class RscHud
       idd = 1000000;
       movingEnable =  1;
       enableSimulation = 1;
       enableDisplay = 1;
       duration     =  99999;
       fadein       =  0.5;
       fadeout      =  2;
       name = "RscHud";
       onLoad = "[color="#FF0000"][b]display = _this select 0[/b][/color]";
class controls 
           class text
               access = 0;
               type = 13;
               idc = 1000001;
               style = 2 + 16;
               lineSpacing = 1;
               x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX;
               y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY;
               w = 0.5;
               h = 0.12;
               size = 0.020;
               colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
               colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
               text = "";
               font = "BitStream";
               class Attributes 
                   font = "BitStream";
                   color = "#6aab4f";
                   align = "left";
                   shadow = true;

When i use the code I've highlighted in red above.

init.sqf example.

titleRsc ["RscHud", "PLAIN"];


(display DisplayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]);

It displays the dialog but i get the error message in the screen shot below.


Does anyone know what i need to do to correct this ?


Edited by PartyHead

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I don't understand these things at all, but perhaps move the disableSerialization above the titleRsc call?

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I don't understand these things at all, but perhaps move the disableSerialization above the titleRsc call?

Yeah i tried that kylania but it didn't work mate. The only way I've been able to get things working is by running an extra script and changing the onLoad command like this.

description .EXT example.

class RscTitles
   class RscHud
       idd = 1000000;
       movingEnable =  1;
       enableSimulation = 1;
       enableDisplay = 1;
       duration     =  99999;
       fadein       =  0.5;
       fadeout      =  2;
       name = "RscHud";
       onLoad = "[color="#FF0000"][b][_this select 0] spawn hud[/b][/color]";
class controls 
           class text
               access = 0;
               type = 13;
               idc = 1000001;
               style = 2 + 16;
               lineSpacing = 1;
               x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX;
               y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY;
               w = 0.5;
               h = 0.12;
               size = 0.020;
               colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
               colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
               text = "";
               font = "BitStream";
               class Attributes 
                   font = "BitStream";
                   color = "#6aab4f";
                   align = "left";
                   shadow = true;

init.sqf example.

hud = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "hud.sqf";

titleRsc ["RscHud", "PLAIN"];

hud.sqf example.


private ["_display"];

_display = _this select 0;

(_display DisplayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]);

This works fine but i wasn't sure if doing it this way was just the same as doing it the other way. Id still like to know if there is a fix for the other way that my first post refers to if anyone knows of one.


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Try storing the reference to the dialog in the uiNamespace.

See DeadFast's post here for an example

This should sort your issue out.


Thanks for your reply blakeace and the link to DeadFast's post which was a big help.

Ive also got this to try out yet which should work i hope, this is pretty much what DeadFast's post was about aswell.

description .EXT example.

class RscTitles
   class hudDisplay
       idd = 1000000;
       movingEnable =  1;
       enableSimulation = 1;
       enableDisplay = 1;
       duration     =  99999;
       fadein       =  0.5;
       fadeout      =  2;
       name = "hudDisplay";
       onLoad = [color="#FF0000"][b]"with uiNameSpace do { hudDisplay = _this select 0 }";[/b][/color]
class controls 
           class text
               access = 0;
               type = 13;
               idc = 1000001;
               style = 2 + 16;
               lineSpacing = 1;
               x = 0.817 - SafeZoneX;
               y = 0.500 + SafeZoneY;
               w = 0.5;
               h = 0.12;
               size = 0.020;
               colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
               colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
               text = "";
               font = "BitStream";
               class Attributes 
                   font = "BitStream";
                   color = "#6aab4f";
                   align = "left";
                   shadow = true;

init.sqf example.

titleRsc ["hudDisplay", "PLAIN"];

waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "hudDisplay")};

((uiNameSpace getVariable "hudDisplay")displayCtrl 1000001) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='left'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>MISSION STATUS</t>"]);

Edited by PartyHead

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