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Press KIT

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Do you got HiRes Pictures for press / newspaper about "Carrier command Gaea Mission" and OR screenshots from the first "Carrier command" for press use.

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When you are press you can contact BI to get access to the press area. If you need a contact address feel free to sent me a PM and I will sent you some if by that time a dev or someone else has not yet given a reply.

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When you are press you can contact BI to get access to the press area. If you need a contact address feel free to sent me a PM and I will sent you some if by that time a dev or someone else has not yet given a reply.

PN Sent :)

Maby use http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140967-TOOL-CarrierTools-(modding-tool-inside) to unpack the game.

You can't get much more high res than that.

It's hires pictures for newspaper (> 360 dpi ): press-kit with official screenshots etc... ;-) no modded-maps :-)

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