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Mod help please

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I can't seem to find where to change how many total islands are generated. I want to have over about 100 islands. (And yes, some will have to be duplicates).

Or do I have to just rename the current islands to fake adding more?

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If you search the files for one of the island names ('Taksaven' for instance), you'll find an array of them in a file somewhere. (I'm at work just now, so can't check - if you haven't replied with 'got it' by the time I get home, I'll find the exact file).

Just add the name of your new island to the array, and I think you should get a new island. Not sure about locations and linkages. That may be in the firebird "db" file, if it's not alongside the island array. The Mod Tools app is able to generate new islands, if you want to look at the source code for that?

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Is it really that simple?

Just wondering because of the \worlds folder

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Looking though the code with a text search and I see several places where the island names appear to be hard coded.

If we are going to be getting an island editor to add our own islands, then this static type hard coding seems counter intuitive.

Is there a dynamic way to spawn extra islands with the materials that we currently have access to?

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Yeah, I just unpacked data00, and sure enough there's loads of Island-specific folders in there. Dang. I thought the islands would just be generic meshes, and the game picked the mesh type for each island at random. Looks like to make a new island you'll have to create an island art folder from data00.cc, and modify the island names in data01.cc.

I think the named-island-scripts are for the specially-scripted bits where you can trigger story lines by hitting a trigger point on a specific island etc. The majority of the islands just seem to be randomly generated from a few hard coded "types". Try just copying a non-special island, renaming the files, and adding the island to the island list, and see what happens?

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