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Refering to groupname doesnt work

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Hey folks,

there is really something making me confused!

When I give a group a groupname by writing groupname = group this; into the leader's group, I cant refer to that groupname later on - generally...

So lets say for example there is a trigger with the condition (groupname in thislist) and OnAct hint "group in area". So when the group enters the area, no hint shows up (the other trigger conditions have been set correctly)!

Same problems with groupname doMove (getMarkerPos "abc").

On the other hand, it works with {_x moveInCargo bus} forEach units groupname.

I really want to know what I am doing wrong 0o

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thislist is a list of units, not groups. That's why it won't work.

If you want the whole group in the area to trigger the effects, you need:

{alive _x; _x in thislist;} count units groupname == {alive _x;} count units groupname

in the condition field.

Or you could just trigger it when the leader of the group enters the area:

leader groupname in thislist

Same, doMove needs a unit or an array of units as parameter.

units groupname domove (getMarkerPos "abc");

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Ah okay, so it might be the easiest way to just add a waypoint instead of doMove command ;)

thanks BlackMamb!!

Edited by _qoR

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