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Civilian and pistol animation replacement

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Non-hilarious civilian and pistol animations. Imported from good old Arma 1.



Features (applies only to civilian and pistol movements):


All running and sprinting animations replaced

Added missing pistol kneel -> sprint

Sprinting from kneeling position no longer changes stance, you will return to kneel position after sprinting

Changing stance while sprinting doesn't stop the sprint, rather you just go to the new stance when you stop sprinting

Changing stance while walking or running no longer stops the character (civilian movement had this bug)

Complete redux of footstep sound timing, all footsteps now synchronized

All move animations have a smoothed death transition

Currently NOT Signed or even binerized, I'm going to let people give it a test for a few days to sort out any bugs/ respond to feedback. It will be released as a completely free to use

and modify mod. This addon uses many nicely labeled .hpp files and #define entries so editing for any mod is a breeze. You can easily change the speed of

each animation from one file, for example.

ACE and DAYZ compatible. I tried it with an older version of ACE at least. Dayz should be okay.

Version 1.01




Version 1.01

*Fixed pistol to rifle instant switching

*Added missing pistol kneel death transitions

Version 1.00


P.S. Can't wait for Arma 3 where BIS is going to do a REALLY REALLY good job not only in the actual animations but also in the proper coding and debugging of their animation system

Right BIS?



Edited by Sakura_Chan

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Got any videos of this in motion? Can't really see how it is in picture form.

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Looks a nice addon, im sure the animations for Arma3 will be great especially as Smookie is doing them :)

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Nice one. However, while moving, the transition from pistol to rifle is almost instant.

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fixed and updated; The instant transition was from some experiments in weapon switching while moving.

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