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co op campaign?

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Hi i jist bought arma2 and loving it. id like to play with a friend in co op the entire campaign. is this possible? i found that in multiplayer you could slect a mission and then play together but is there another option? Just start from scratch and save wherever we quit? Thx!

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Welcome to the Armaverse! The campaign for ArmA2 is playable as co-op and I believe you can save and reload later to continue? All the other games did away with co-op campaigns though due to technical hurdles and stuffs and things.

There are a few player made co-op campaigns I believe though, check out the User Missions forum here for links.

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Singleplayer>Campaign>Highlight the campaign you want>Click host>Configure your server options>Choose the mission you want

If the mission you want to play is not on the mission list you can use a cheat to unlock all missions. Do the following at the mission screen: Hold "Left Shift" and press "Numpad Minus", release both and type "campaign". This will unlock all missions. If you want to unlock the missions in order simply playing through from the start will unlock them normally.

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Great! so ill be trying this tonight with a friend who will be also new to the armaverse :-P

maybe one quick exrra question. Im already in my campaign far from start. can i create more profiles so i can select my own singleplayer game profile or my co op profile? i dont wanna lose or overwrite my savegames ofcourse!

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I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but the campaign won't unlock in my game, is there a console to activate in order to enter the codes ?

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