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How to prevent AI following a player?

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The player is part of a group (consisting of playable and AI) with an AI unit as the leader. That AI leader also has a higher rank than all of his subordinates.

There is seemingly no way to prevent a part (or all, depending on the group size) of the AI subordinates to follow the player (concerning formation and non-combat movement). Even when the player has a lower rank than the AI-members of that group and even when he is the last one that joins that group, the player always is assigned the position of a formation leader, resulting in AI units not following the leader, but the player.

How is it possible to make a player being the "omega animal" of a group, so that no AI follows him (concerning formation and non-combat movement). As I said, the order of joining and the rank have no influence on that.

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Start the player off unattached to the group and then put this in the players init or a timed trigger.script:

   player joinAsSilent [group, ((count units group) + 1)];

replace group with the group's name.

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