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Does TOH support more than 4-cores (CPU)?

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I think the question is already made in the title.

Does TOH have the same multicore support as Arma 2:OA (so max 4-cores\threads) or does it support also esacores+ CPUs?

If yes, is there any benchmark available showing the CPU usage?

Thanks a lot.


(Yes, I am doing this question also with respect to Dayz standalone CPU support).

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I know Arma 2 support just 4 cores\threads no matter the command line, that's why I asked the question actually, hoping that in two years they could have implemented a batter CPU\cores usage support.

Thanks anyway for your reply.

You can try these links:

ArmA_2: Undocumented Command Line Switches

ArmA: Startup Parameters

Though these say that are for ArmA and ArmA II, Take on Helicopters is using the same game engine, with the addition of the Rotorlib Dynamics.

Hope that helps! ;-)

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I know Arma 2 support just 4 cores\threads no matter the command line, that's why I asked the question actually, hoping that in two years they could have implemented a batter CPU\cores usage support.

Thanks anyway for your reply.

You may want to brush up on your knowledge. Arma 2 can use more than 4 cores/threads, as can TOH. I have personally seen threads running on at least 6 logical cores, and since this is a 6-core processor that is fine with me.

It's actually the OS's responsibility to spread the threading across the cores. It is Arma's responsibility to spread the processing into multiple threads.

If you want to complain about something, neither of these areas has seen much progress relative to the capability advancements in processors. You and I are as much to blame as anyone else, unless you have personally invested a lot of time in progressing the field of software engineering?

Anyway, I will agree that it'd be nice to see MORE parallelization in the engine. I'm pretty sure BIS agrees, which is why it's something they've continually worked on over the years.

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