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Help with retail and steam version of ARMA

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So, I bought the steam version of ARMA 2: OA, but I also have the retail version of ARMA 2, and for some reason I can't seem to join any server with ARMA 2. I can launch the game in CO and I have even tried using a launcher, but it still doesn't work. I'm starting to get pretty mad at this, just wanting to get some help on this to get it to work

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Most of the servers out there runs combined operation which uses takistan and chernarus map which you cant play if you run only arma 2 which only have chernarus map. Some uses mods but there's still a few vanilla servers out there.

You need additional files/mods to join servers that have these in their description - ACE, Dayz, RPG Life or any other maps that is not takistan and chernarus.

Make sure you have the latest patch and you will see the servers will have green icon on it, make sure to sort it using ping so you can join the one closest to your location.

Most public server that didnt use mods usually runs Warfare BE, Domination, Evo and insurgency. But it's pretty rare to find servers that only uses arma 2 nowadays, almost all of them runs combined operation which require both arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead.

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