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CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding confused

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OK i have alot of marker zones on my map and have selected a random one, now I need to place a VIP in one of those zones but need it in a house

So i thought i would use CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding I get the following returnedf to use:- [e78f200# 48009: house_k_1_ep1.p3d,6]

But now I am stuck how can I now use that to move my VIP into in? I know this example has 6 positions, so how could I random is the position as well?

VIP is called vip1

Or is there a easier way , thought i would use CBA as it is installed


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I'd assume something like

_obj = _pos call CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding;
_house = _obj select 0;
_housepos = floor (random (_obj select 1));
vip1 setPos (_house buildingPos _housepos);

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I'd assume something like

_obj = _pos call CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding;
_house = _obj select 0;
_housepos = floor (random (_obj select 1));
vip1 setPos (_house buildingPos _housepos);

Ahhh FAB works :)

And I understand why, I was using select 1 to put him in the building forgot to start at select 0 !



Any idea why this will not work ?

Working fine if I set _obj

_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE; 
_pilot = _grp createUnit ["GUE_Soldier_Pilot", _RandomTownPosition, [], 10, "FORM"];
_randomlocation= (mymissionmarkers) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_obj = [5250,4750,0] call CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding;
_house = _obj select 0;
_housepos = floor (random (_obj select 1));
_pilot setPos (_house buildingPos _housepos);

Not working but it is using the same thing only a randon location now

mymissionmarkers has the following : - ["[4150,11750,0]","[4150,11850,0]","[4250,11850,0]","[4250,11750,0]","[4150,11450,0]","[3950,11350,0]"]

_randomlocation = mymissionmarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // returns [2050,250,0] in .rpt

_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE; 
_pilot = _grp createUnit ["GUE_Soldier_Pilot", _RandomTownPosition, [], 10, "FORM"];
_obj = _randomlocation call CBA_fnc_getNearestBuilding;
_house = _obj select 0;
_housepos = floor (random (_obj select 1));
_pilot setPos (_house buildingPos _housepos);


Error in expression <ivate ["_building", "_i"];

_building = nearestBuilding _this;

_i = 0;

while {s>

Error position: <nearestBuilding _this;

_i = 0;

while {s>

Error nearestbuilding: Type String, expected Array,Object

Edited by psvialli
Another Question !

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Your mymissionmarkers is an array of strings, which is why you're getting the Type String, expected Array error in the createUnit call.

 mymissionmarkers has the following : - [[4150,11750,0],[4150,11850,0],[4250,11850,0],[4250,11750,0],[4150,11450,0],[3950,11350,0]];

That should work, not sure what those " were doing in there. :)

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Your mymissionmarkers is an array of strings, which is why you're getting the Type String, expected Array error in the createUnit call.

 mymissionmarkers has the following : - [[4150,11750,0],[4150,11850,0],[4250,11850,0],[4250,11750,0],[4150,11450,0],[3950,11350,0]];

That should work, not sure what those " were doing in there. :)

Thanks but mymissionmarkers is generated as below, so am i going wrong there then if so what would i need to do to get rid of thoes extra "" ?

_houses = [markerpos _marker,700, 2, true] call findHouses;

_pos = _x call getGridPos;
_mkr = str _pos;
if (getMarkerPos _mkr select 0 == 0) then {
	_mkr = createMarkerLocal[_mkr, _pos]; 
	_mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "RECTANGLE"; 
	_mkr setMarkerTypeLocal "SOLID";		
	_mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [50,50]; 
	_mkr setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.9; 
	_mkr setMarkerColorLocal mymarkercolour; 
	[color="#FF0000"]mymissionmarkers set [count mymissionmarkers,_mkr];[/color]

} forEach _houses;

Edited by psvialli

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You could just replace _mkr with _pos in the red area there to keep track of the positions you're using.

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Like this if you want to store the marker positions in the array...

mymissionmarkers set [count mymissionmarkers,getmarkerpos _mkr];

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