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Those upset gamers.

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I have been reading forum post from many disgruntled players of this game. I find it hard to understand why they should be so upset.

The game has a few flaws and bugs, but nothing out of the normal for a first release, or that the developers won't have fixed in a week or two.

I think the game is brilliant even in it's present condition.

Anyway, a thought occurred to me that those complaining might be console owners. Not owning a console I wouldn't know how the console version performs.

I can only imagine that a game like Carrier Command wouldn't take to consoles very well, and would be more a PC type of game.

Are there any console owners that can comment on the game from their point of view?

UPDATE: Sorry, just noticed that someone has posted about Xbox players already. Please ignore. :)

Edited by Joote

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