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Flash Bang weapons pack? Where to find?

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Anyone know of a weapons pack (non ACE) that has flash bangs as part of it?


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Pretty sure there was one for ArmA1 but it was unfinished and buggy. Since ACE is basically everything ArmA should be most people wanting flash bangs want the rest of ACE's features too.

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Arma is what the community want's Arma to be, that's why there's hundreds of mods out there, ACE is great don't get me wrong.

But I believe there should be some mixing and matching, the skyrim moding model comes into thought really as it would be nice to have small things auto installed.

Obviously this wouldnt work on a multiplayer basis unless you had something a lot more refined than six updater, but it would allow players who wanted to grab something small from what is to some a daunting venture would be more capable.

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When searching for a specific addon/mod use the sticky addon request thread!

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