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Loading screen priority

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Hello, I used this tutorial to make my own intro and loading screens but they work only when I disable Isla Duala, is there some way to change priority of there screens? (I have my mod before Duala in modline)

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It still doesn't work.

EDIT: It does collide with ACE screens too.

Edited by kllrt

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Actually myself and quite a few people (if not all) on our servers have experienced the same thing regarding Duala specifically. Think it's been update a few times since then.. not sure if it persists. (guessing maybe, based on your initial post.. in which case load order would not matter)

This is generally an issue of having replaced/overwritten a default BIS definition, instead of creating a custom definition or similar. If everything is correct is those regards, I believe Deadfast would be correct, in that load order would play a role. And in those instances things loaded after take control. Although I'm curious now, as I would think that if you are loading after ACE, it would perform for you as expected. (?) Perhaps this is a "special case" type deal (being UI related)?

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