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Resistance is completely broken

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Only had time to install it this morning just before heading of to work. I ran scan disk and then defragmented my HDD. Next I installed Res. All went well. Ran preferences and asked it to autodetect. Changed my screen resolution back to 1600 x 1200 since OFP was running fine with that (ave. 40 fps). Then I ran Res.

The result was a bloody mess. confused.gif The splash screens are fuzzy and take ages to get through (BTW looks like the -nosplash flag no longer works). I also get great big multicoloured boxes appearing in the logos. Then the home screen runs at about 2 fps with weird random multicolouring and general fuzzyness. That is if it doesn't just crash completely.

System is:

Dell Dimension 4100


512 Mb PC133 RAM

i815EP chipset motherboard

Latest BIOS supplied by Dell (v.A10)

Creative Geforce4 Ti4200 64 Mb card

Detonator 28.42 drivers

SB 1042 Live! sound card

This system was running OFP just fine at 1600 x 1200 32-bit and all settings maxed except antialiasing turned off.

Could it be that I forgot to remove the v.1.60 multiplayer beta?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. In the abscence of that I'll try uninstalling everything then reinstall OFP and then Res.

I'm sure the product is fine and that I've just done something daft or a random screw-up has occurred in set-up.


P.S. To those who have asked, it is now version 1.75 and in the UK it cost me Å19.95.

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You seem to have problems greater than mines!

Now, the -nosplash flag DOES work with Resistance. Dunno what's wrong with yours, but it works with me.

I also run 1600x1200 without the symptoms you describe. However, it is true that all the intro screens & movies are very slow, even with my configuration that is quite more powerful than yours (Athlon 1800+ & GeForce TI4400).

I am not sure that you get that much greater visuals with 1600x1200 than say, 1280x960.

However, as soon as you set "terrain details" to very high (I don't know what it does but I wouldn't settle for less, with such a name for this parameter...), and if you try tweaking the "visbility" beyond 900 (very far from the maximum), then things start to get really slow or even crash with memory problems: I guess they've put options for the next two generations of CPUs and Graphic cards.

So either your configuration is not enough for your settings, or you've got something else wrong. But OFPR is wired to do the things you describe...


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Thanks Ejanvi,

I've got Resistance to work by doing a clear re-install of OFP, Red Hammer and Resistance. Now works well except I have to re-start every time I return to the Home screen because of slow down, etc.

I need to experiment with graphics but strangely, using FRAPS to assess fps, I get no improvement with lesser screen resolutions or LODs so I just keep them maxed out. View distance has a major effect on fps however.


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