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Assisting Squads

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One thing that currently annoys me about my missions, is that I cannot figure out how to get 2 or more AI squads to stay within a certain radius of eachother, support eachother, etc. without having them share a single formation, infantry get in APCs, as if they were one squad. Basically all I need is something that tells one squad to follow another, at the least. Do I need to use a waypoint with certain parameters? Do I need to script a waypoint? If so, then how? (I have tried synchronizing waypoints of the squads buts its too slow, unrealiable, and not dynamic enough, I have also tried support and guard waypoints, the other squads dont do anything really) Thanks to anyone that offers any help or suggestions.

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Hi mate... look at this little test mission that I just put together for you. It will make one group follow another. More can be added but it is a start for you and I commented the crap out of it.

This is the script... follow.sqf

_grplead = _this select 0;		//leading group
_grpfollow = _this select 1;	//following group
_distance = _this select 2;		//distance for checking

_loop = true;

//keep looping till _loop = false
while {_loop} do {

//get distance between the leaders of each group
_currentdist = leader _grplead distance leader _grpfollow;

//if distance greater than max distance then update followers waypoint
if (_currentdist > _distance) then {

	//get the index of the followers current waypoint
	_index = currentWaypoint _grpfollow;

	//delete this waypoint
	deletewaypoint [_grpfollow,_index];

	//add a new waypoint near (20m) the position of the leader of leading group
	_wp = _grpfollow addWaypoint [position leader _grplead, 20];


//sleep some arbitrary time....5 seconds seems good
sleep 5;

//if either group has no units left set _loop = false and stop looping
if (({alive _x} count units _grplead ==0) or ({alive _x} count units _grpfollow ==0)) then {
	_loop = false;

Execute the script like this...

nul = [leading_group,following_group,distance] execVM "follow.sqf";

Hope it helps in some way.

Edited by twirly

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Thanks! Works perfectly! I only wish I had the ability to have done it myself, I don't like relying on other people, I have to get around to scripting and shit :P

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You're welcome... keep reading and fiddling with other peoples scripts. Best way to learn.

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