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Locked Target Sound Issue

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I'm wondering if the BETAs are causing this problem:

class Default 
[color="#008000"]lockedtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locked",1,10};[/color]
lockingtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locking",1,1};

class Javelin: Launcher 
[color="#008000"]lockedtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locked",1,10};[/color] - [color="#FF0000"]READS PITCH VALUE "10" TO PLAY LOCKING SOUND AGAIN[/color]
lockingtargetsound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\javelin_locking",1,1};
drysound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\Javelin_Dry", 1, 1, 10};
reloadmagazinesound[] = {"mod\small_arms\bluefor\common\Jav_reload", 1, 1.5, 20};
sound[] = {"", 10, 1, 1500};
soundbegin[] = {"sound", 1};

It will play lockingtargetsound for both sound modes, ignoring lockedtargetsound directory.

Notice the vanilla config has the same sound and only different pitch values! This class Default is set for all launchers I believe.

class Default 
[color="#008000"]lockedtargetsound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 6};[/color]
lockingtargetsound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 2};

It should play javelin_locked not javelin_locking. I believe it is hard-coded to ignore it and just use the locking sound with a pitch value.

Can we please get a fix for this issue if of course i'm not mistaken in my logic here.

Edited by James2464

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sorry i cannot follow - what is your point/problem?

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sorry i cannot follow - what is your point/problem?

It should play javelin_locked not javelin_locking. I believe it is hard-coded to ignore it and just use the locking sound with a pitch value.

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Make a CIT ticket with a small addon and two very distinct sounds to demonstrate the problem.

By this, if true, there will be a (better) chance to get it fixed.

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