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Locations (of heli- and airports on the map)

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I've compared the locations of heliports (via their airport indentifier) on the TKOH map with the original Seattle area because I wanted to know how correct they're. I've used the "heliport.hpp" to cross check them and to see which are actually in there and if they're named correctly. I've also looked for some unnamed airports, -fields and strips that I noticed while flying around. Here is the result:

Marked on map and named in "heliport.hpp":

WT42 - Larkin Aviation Heliport /not existing

WT07 - Ion Heliport /not existing

9WA6 - Puget Sound Plaza Heliport

WA54 - 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza Heliport

WN01 - Seattle Private Number One Heliport

WN16 - Komo Tv Heliport

8WA9 - Broadcast House Helistop

WA55 - Elliott Park Heliport

WN93 - Park 90 Heliport

WT22 - Graves Field Heliport

9WA0 - Boeing Plant 2 Heliport

WA11 - Boeing Military Airplanes Heliport

8WA2 - Boeing Renton Ramp Site Nr 2 Heliport /close to Starbucks ;)

01WT - Odyssey Heliport

71WA - I-90/Bellevue Busi Pk Boeing Comp Svcs Hdq Heliport

WN71 - Evans Heliport

WA19 - Berkley Structures Heliport

81WA - Jobe Skis Plant 1 Heliport

WA38 - South Cove Heliport

54WA - Tukwila Operations Center Heliport

WA75 - Flying 'o' Ranch Heliport /in "heliport.hpp" wrongly named "Tukwila Operations Center Heliport", too

08WA - Manchester Laboratory Heliport

9WA9 - Naval Submarine Base Bangor Heliport /wrong position, should be more to the NW

43WA - Wilson Heliport

WN91 - Evans Heliport

92WA - Conner Heliport

WA71 - Kelly Ranch Heliport

WA61 - Thompson Airport

WA05 - Apex Airpark

4WA9 - Port Orchard Airport

WA04 - Kyles Airport

Marked on map but not named in "heliport.hpp":

1WT7 - ??? /not existing

1WT6 - Overlake Hospital Ems Heliport

8WA3 - Valley Medical Center Heliport

0WA8 - Childrens Hospital Emergency Heliport

Not marked on map and not named in "heliport.hpp":

WA17 - Majerle Strip

W16 - Firstair Field

2S1 - Vashon Municipal Airport

WA69 - Wax Orchards Airport

S50 - Auburn Municipal Airport

S36 - Crest Airpark


Martha Lake Airport (Park) /ex S13, not functional today but still visible on TKOH map

Unknown Airstrip /Grass airstrip at Farm SW of Duvall (no infos found)

I've made an editor-mission with some additional markings. Looks like this...


Here's the mission.sqm if you're interested.

Update: v1.01 (see "Added" in quote above)

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Unfortunately the marking for the heliport of the Bangor Base is wrongly placed.



Could this be fixed in a future patch, please? If this thread better belongs in the editing section or anywhere else then please move.

Edited by T.S.C.Plage

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Have you looked into the Functions( BIS_fnc_ )?


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

I haven't worked too much with these, but am looking into it as I mod.

Hope that helps! ;-)


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Yes, I've taken a look into them. Didn't actually planed to include them this way...but will see.

So far I've updated the mission.sqm with two new locations (see first post).

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