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(One step no sound) Glitch or Feature ?

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When walking or running normally in the game you always make a sound, but when you tap your forward button so your soldier only moves a little bit you can move around without making a sound. This issues doesn't effect the Coop mode seeing as as far as i know the AI wont notice the difference. But on PVP mode it can make a big difference in CQB situations.

Here is a video showing what i mean.


This issue has been in the game as long as i have had it but i am just wondering if it is consider a glitch or a feature of the game.

Edited by Ch3v4l13r

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I consider it a feature because it requires some skill to move that silently ;)

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I would also call it a feature. I've used it before to sneak past someone while playing online. I hate how you can hear every single footstep in ArmA.

I can move quite quickly (IRL) without making a sound, try it yourself.

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Another vote for feature - it's not exactly game-breaking, given the effort involved, is it? :)


ACE2 has somewhat louder equipment/vest noise when you move, so it does balance things out.

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