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unable to active IF, "The UnlockCode usage has been exceeded"

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I bought Iron Front (ESD) from store.bistudio.com and installed,update to 1.03 and played a longe time.

But yesterday I format and reinstalled my PC (win7 64bit) and installed Iron Front I found the Activation key don't work now.

it says:"The UnlockCode usage has been exceeded"

I tried reinstall the game several times, import old "license" file that unlocked my game once in the past, but still not work.

it says:"An error has occurred during license imported. please contact support"

when I try to request a software license

it says:"Failed:Invalid UnlockCode."

It seems have no way could Unlock the game anymore ......

I love this game very much, lib44 was the best mod on OFP.

I pre-order it at first time when IF Just released.but...

It is frustrating day of my time, I really don't like this activation method...

Can someone help me...

Edited by wooeton

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I sent them an email just when having problems.

Nearly two days.I hope they can solve my problem asap

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Still no any official replys

Does Deep Silver abandon the game ?


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Today they reply me.

They say probably I re-installed Windows a few times but did not properly uninstall Iron Front beforehand.(But I re-install only once - not a few times)

and they have to contact a third party, that can take some time...

OK, I'll be waiting.

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