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Questions for Making a Machinima

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I have a few questions on some things that are seemingly simple, but feel incredibly frustrating. I am trying to make a machinima and would appreciate any kind of help or advice you guys might have:

1) I have a group of units set to move around on some way points. How do I get the group leader to be quiet and stop announcing the movement way points? He keeps saying stuff like, "Move 2!" or "Move to Tree. At. Twelve o clock!!" I've tried disabling radio in my audio settings, but to no avail. I've also turned off Core Conversations and radio. disableai "fsm" seems to do nothing as well.

2) How do I get units to stop reacting to other units dying around them? I am having two civilians kill a civilian, but one of the other civilians starts taking cover and going prone. I do not want them to react to the civilian dying right next to them. I've played with the -- disableai "fsm"; but it seems like they will not kill things either. Is there another way around this w/o using the disableai "fsm"; command?

3) Is there any way to make AI units walk backwards?

4) I have a guy firing his crossbow at a zombie. I need him to actually hit him on the first shot, but he keeps missing every time on the first shot. I've maxed out the unit's skill, but he still keeps missing =/ Is there any way to get him to make sure he hits them? If not, how can I script it such that when character1 fires his shot, zombie1 dies right away and just fake the hit? I don't know what the condition would be for (if character1 fires a shot, then kill zombie1).

5) Is there an easy way or a guide for grabbing sounds from a mod, like DayZ? I want to grab the zombie sound files from there, but I cannot find a way to crack it open or anywhere to d/l the sounds.

Thank you to whoever reads this! :)

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0 fadeRadio 0;
enableSentences false;

2) You could try to disable the FSM for the two guys when the civilian has been killed. You could also try

this setBehaviour "CARELESS";

3)Probably not unless your force it with animations, will probably look weird. Why?

4) You could add an event handler in the init of the guy with the crossbow, such as
this addEventHandler ["Fired", {killTheZombie = true;}]

Then place a trigger with condition

!isNil "KillTheZombie"

on act:

zombieName setDamage 1;

5) You would have to decompile the addon (.pbo) using Eliteness or some other program, take the files and then add them to your Description.ext under the cfgSounds class, this can be googled.

I'd suggest that you ask for permission to use them first.

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Thank you very much Cuel! I will try these out :)

2) the problem I had with "careless" was that he didn't fire when he was set to careless mode. Btw, is there an easier way to have a unit fire exactly when I want him to? I used a countdown timed trigger (i know, it's ghetto) to have him do fire. -- character1 dotarget "zombie1"; character1 dofire "zombie1";

The problem I have with this is that it seems like he slowly turns to fire, and he seems inconsistent in his behavior. If I make his behavior "combat" he starts to go prone and what not. Any suggestions on how to get him to fire more consistently?

3) For the visual purposes of the Machinima, I want the character to be walking backwards. Has to do with the scene. I was afraid there was no easy way. I will just have a laptop next to me and use it to control him manually for that one scene.

4) Is there a way to add all of that into a script instead of a trigger? I am a bit of a noob when it comes to scripts, but I would like to increase my knowledge in the scripts. I know how to do description.ext, and some basic scripts to run my dialogue in the game, but if there is a way to put all of that code into a script, I would love to try it out for my own knowledge's sake.

Thank you again! :)

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I guess you could go with something like

crossbowguy addEventHandler ["Fired", {killTheZombie = true;}];
waitUntil {!isNil "KillTheZombie"};
zombieName setDamage 1;

In your init would be sufficient if that's just for cinematic effects.

3) For the visual purposes of the Machinima, I want the character to be walking backwards. Has to do with the scene. I was afraid there was no easy way. I will just have a laptop next to me and use it to control him manually for that one scene.

Or you coud record the scene and play it backwards! :D

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EDIT: N/m, I got it to work. I forgot to save like a moron >.< Thanks! :)

I tried doing:

crossbowguy addEventHandler ["Fired", {killTheZombie = true;}];

waitUntil {!isNil "KillTheZombie"};

zombieName setDamage 1;

It seemed like it had no effect =/ i put it as a separate script file though, would that matter? do I HAVE to put it into the init.sqf?

I also tried adding this to my init.sqf:

0 fadeRadio 0;

enableSentences false;

but the two guys are still announcing the waypoints out loud as they walk. any suggestions?

Edited by krytosss

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