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MP/vehicles do not respawn to start the mission

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I'm starting this mission with my friends I can not however, enable the vehicles on the server, ja vehicles are not included in this mod.Porem can activate them in any way. Below is the script if anyone knows what do I change please help us.


If a file is missing please let us know

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I'm guessing you used Google Translate here? In this caseplease try and find somebody whon can translate your problem in english, as this is pretty much impossible to understand.

Now, just checking, you did that right?




[] execVM "scripts\NEO_tfs\TFS_init.sqf"; //Needs to run on all machines




[(vehicle), (NUMBER tires in cargo (OPCIONAL)), (NUMBER max cargo capacity (OPCIONAL))] execVM "scripts\NEO_tfs\TFS_vehicle.sqf"; //Where vehicle is local

Anyway, you might wanna give some more precisions about the mission itself, as this seems to be a released script package and i doubt the problem's coming from that.

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Sorry, yes, I'm using Google Translate. I know very little about English. It was not me who made the change in the mod. However, I would put it online on our server. But it was not possible to include the vehicles on the server. If you can help me I appreciate the attention. Sorry if I do not know the correct pronunciation. Below is the complete files of the mod.


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Documents > ArmA 2 > MPMissions

Open the mission folder that you are editing. Create a file called "init.sqf" (the extension must be .sqf).

Paste the Init.sqf part of your script in the init.sqf.

Paste the second part of the script into the init box of any vehicles you want to use it.

EDIT: I'm not really sure if that's what you needed... if not, please say so.

Edited by UltimateBawb

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Yup that's basically it. If i understand right, that script suite creates some sort of replaceable tires for the vehicles.

- the code required for the script suite to work is commented out in your init.sqf. You need to remove the // on the 37th line of that file.

- There are no vehicles on your map. At least none in the editor. If there are some created by script, you need to find where that happens, and paste this then:

[i]vehicle[/i] setvehicleinit "[([i]vehicle[/i]), ([i]NUMBER tires in cargo (OPCIONAL)[/i]), ([i]NUMBER max cargo capacity (OPCIONAL)[/i])] execVM "scripts\NEO_tfs\TFS_vehicle.sqf"";

- If there are not, add them via the editor and add that to their init line:

[([i]vehicle[/i]), ([i]NUMBER tires in cargo (OPCIONAL)[/i]), ([i]NUMBER max cargo capacity (OPCIONAL)[/i])] execVM "scripts\NEO_tfs\TFS_vehicle.sqf"

This should be it.

Anyway i strongly recommend you contact SaMatra, who seems to be the person who modified/customized that mission. He is (if that's the same person) regularly here on the forums, i believe.

And no need to be sorry, it's just it was quite difficult to understand what was wrong here.

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OK thanks

Certainly I will seek help from Sumatra to maybe help us.

One more question, can you tell me which script can be found in settings of fog, night and day?

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In the editor click the INTEL box in the top right corner. That brings up this screen where you can change the time/date/weather/mission name.


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It seems not to work with us, the missions of the publisher.

Is there any other way. '


This command: vehSpawnType = 0

Can you tell me if there is something related to spawn vehicles ?

Thanks, sorry for my bad English.

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To spawn a vehicle you'd use createVehicle. You can find that command and others in the COMREF, the list of all commands available for scripting.

It looks like you are using some custom missions called Wasteland that appears to change a LOT so that might be why the weather/time isn't working how it should.

At this point I would highly suggest that you just play Wasteland as it is. Then start making your own mission from scratch to learn how the editor works and how to spawn things. Trying to change things in a mission like Wasteland would be difficult for even advanced scripters. :)

For example weather should just be a slider from that image I posted eariler. This is what Wasteland uses for weather:

/* DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf version 1.01 by Engima of Ostgota Ops
* Description:
*   Script that generates dynamic (random) weather. Works in single player, multiplayer (hosted and dedicated), and is JIP compatible.
* Arguments:
*   [_initialFog]: Optional. Fog when mission starts. Must be between 0 and 1 where 0 = no fog, 1 = maximum fog. -1 = random fog.
*   [_initialOvercast]: Optional. Overcast when mission starts. Must be between 0 and 1 where 0 = no overcast, 1 = maximum overcast. -1 = random overcast.
*   [_initialRain]: Optional. Rain when mission starts. Must be between 0 and 1 where 0 = no rain, 1 = maximum rain. -1 = random rain. (Overcast must be greater than or equal to 0.75).
*   [_initialWind]: Optional. Wind when mission starts. Must be an array of form [x, z], where x is one wind strength vector and z is the other. x and z must be greater than or equal to 0. [-1, -1] = random wind.
*   [_debug]: Optional. true if debug text is to be shown, otherwise false.

private ["_initialFog", "_initialOvercast", "_initialRain", "_initialWind", "_debug"];
private ["_minWeatherChangeTimeMin", "_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin", "_minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin", "_maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin", "_rainIntervalRainProbability", "_windChangeProbability"];
private ["_minimumFog", "_maximumFog", "_minimumOvercast", "_maximumOvercast", "_minimumRain", "_maximumRain", "_minimumWind", "_maximumWind", "_minRainIntervalTimeMin", "_maxRainIntervalTimeMin", "_forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval", "_maxWind"];

if (isNil "_this") then { _this = []; };
if (count _this > 0) then { _initialFog = _this select 0; } else { _initialFog = -1; };
if (count _this > 1) then { _initialOvercast = _this select 1; } else { _initialOvercast = -1; };
if (count _this > 2) then { _initialRain = _this select 2; } else { _initialRain = -1; };
if (count _this > 3) then { _initialWind = _this select 3; } else { _initialWind = [-1, -1]; };
if (count _this > 4) then { _debug = _this select 4; } else { _debug = false; };

// The following variables can be changed to tweak weather behaviour

// Minimum time in minutes for the weather (fog and overcast) to change. Must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 
// _maxWeatherChangeTimeMin. When weather changes, it is fog OR overcast that changes, not both at the same time. (Suggested value: 10).
_minWeatherChangeTimeMin = 10;

// Maximum time in minutes for the weather (fog and overcast) to change. Must be greater than or equal to _minWeatherChangeTimeMin.
// (Suggested value: 20).
_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin = 20;

// Minimum time in minutes that weather (fog and overcast) stays constant between weather changes. Must be less than or equal to 0 and 
// greater than or equal to _minWeatherChangeTimeMin. (Suggested value: 5).
_minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin = 3;

// Maximum time in minutes that weather (fog and overcast) stays unchanged between weather changes. Must be greater than or equal to 
// _minWeatherChangeTimeMin. (Suggested value: 10).
_maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin = 6;

// Fog intensity never falls below this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and less than or equal to _maximumFog
// (0 = no fog, 1 = pea soup). (Suggested value: 0).
_minimumFog = 0;

// Fog intensity never exceeds this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and greater than or equal to _minimumFog
// (0 = no fog, 1 = pea soup). (Suggested value: 0.8).
_maximumFog = 0.6;

// Overcast intensity never falls below this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and less than or equal to _maximumOvercast
// (0 = no overcast, 1 = maximum overcast). (Suggested value: 0).
_minimumOvercast = 0;

// Overcast intensity never exceeds this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and greater than or equal to _minimumOvercast
// (0 = no overcast, 1 = maximum overcast). (Suggested value: 1).
_maximumOvercast = 1;

// When raining, rain intensity never falls below this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and less than or equal to _maximumRain
// (0 = no rain, 1 = maximum rain intensity). (Suggested value: 0);
_minimumRain = 0;

// When raining, rain intensity never exceeds this value. Must be between 0 and 1 and greater than or equal to _minimumRain
// (0 = no rain, 1 = maximum rain intensity). (Suggested value: 0.8);
//_maximumRain = 1;
_maximumRain = 0;

// Wind vector strength never falls below this value. Must be greater or equal to 0 and less than or equal to _maximumWind.
// (Suggested value: 0);
_minimumWind = 0;

// Wind vector strength never exceeds this value. Must be greater or equal to 0 and greater than or equal to _minimumWind.
// (Suggested value: 8).
_maximumWind = 12;

// Probability in percent for wind to change when weather changes. If set to 0 then wind will never change. If set to 100 then rain will 
// change every time the weather (fog or overcast) start to change. (Suggested value: 25);
_windChangeProbability = 35;

// A "rain interval" is defined as "a time interval during which it may rain in any intensity (or it may not rain at all)". When overcast 
// goes above 0.75, a chain of rain intervals (defined below) is started. It cycles on until overcast falls below 0.75. At overcast 
// below 0.75 rain intervals never execute (thus it cannot rain).

// Probability in percent (0-100) for rain to start at every rain interval. Set this to 0 if you don't want rain at all. Set this to 100 
// if you want it to rain constantly when overcast is greater than 0.75. In short: if you think that it generally rains to often then 
// lower this value and vice versa. (Suggested value: 50).
_rainIntervalRainProbability = 65;

// Minimum time in minutes for rain intervals. Must be greater or equal to 0 and less than or equal to _maxRainIntervalTimeMin.
// (Suggested value: 0).
_minRainIntervalTimeMin = 0;

// Maximum time in minutes for rain intervals. Must be greater than or equal to _minRainIntervalTimeMin. (Suggested value:
// (_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin + _maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin) / 2).
_maxRainIntervalTimeMin = (_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin + _maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin) / 2;

// If set to true, then the rain is forced to stop after one rain interval during which it has rained (use this for example if you only want 
// small occational cloudbursts ). If set to false, then the rain may stop, but it may also just change intensity for an 
// immedeate new rain interval. (Suggested value: false).
_forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval = true;

// Don't touch anything beneath this line

drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs = []; // Empty

"drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
   drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextLocal;

* Summary: Shows debug text on local client.
* Arguments:
*   _text: Debug text.
drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextLocal = {
   private ["_minutes", "_seconds"];

   if (!isNull player) then {
       player sideChat (_this select 0);

   _minutes = floor (time / 60);
   _seconds = floor (time - (_minutes * 60));
   diag_log ((str _minutes + ":" + str _seconds) + " Debug: " + (_this select 0));

* Summary: Shows debug text on all clients.
* Arguments:
*   _text: Debug text.
drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients = {
   drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs = _this;
   publicVariable "drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs";
   drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextLocal;

if (_debug) then {
   ["Starting script WeatherEffects.sqf..."] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextLocal;

drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs = []; // [current overcast, current fog, current rain, current weather change ("OVERCAST", "FOG" or ""), target weather value, time until weather completion (in seconds), current wind x, current wind z]
drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs = []; // []

drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal = {
   private ["_currentOvercast", "_currentFog", "_currentRain", "_currentWeatherChange", "_targetWeatherValue", "_timeUntilCompletion", "_currentWindX", "_currentWindZ"];

   _currentOvercast = _this select 0;
   _currentFog = _this select 1;
   _currentRain = _this select 2;
   _currentWeatherChange = _this select 3;
   _targetWeatherValue = _this select 4;
   _timeUntilCompletion = _this select 5;
   _currentWindX = _this select 6;
   _currentWindZ = _this select 7;

   // Set current weather values
   0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;
   0 setFog _currentFog;
   drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain = _currentRain;
   setWind [_currentWindX, _currentWindZ, true];

   // Set forecast
   if (_currentWeatherChange == "OVERCAST") then {
       _timeUntilCompletion setOvercast _targetWeatherValue;
   if (_currentWeatherChange == "FOG") then {
       _timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;

if (!isServer) then {
   "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
       drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal;

   waitUntil {!isNil "drn_var_DynamicWeather_ServerInitialized"};

   drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs = [true];
   publicVariable "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs";

if (isServer) then {
   drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherAllClients = {
       private ["_timeUntilCompletion", "_currentWeatherChange"];

       _timeUntilCompletion = drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeCompletedTime - drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeStartedTime;
       if (_timeUntilCompletion > 0) then {
           _currentWeatherChange = drn_DynamicWeather_CurrentWeatherChange;
       else {
           _currentWeatherChange = "";

       drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs = [overcast, fog, drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain, _currentWeatherChange, drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue, _timeUntilCompletion, drn_DynamicWeather_WindX, drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ];
       publicVariable "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs";
       drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal;

   "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
       call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherAllClients;

   drn_DynamicWeather_CurrentWeatherChange = "";
   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = 0;
   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeStartedTime = time;
   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeCompletedTime = time;
   drn_DynamicWeather_WindX = _initialWind select 0;
   drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ = _initialWind select 1;

   if (_initialFog == -1) then {
       _initialFog = (_minimumFog + random (_maximumFog - _minimumFog));
   else {
       if (_initialFog < _minimumFog) then {
           _initialFog = _minimumFog;
       if (_initialFog > _maximumFog) then {
           _initialFog = _maximumFog;

   0 setFog _initialFog;

   if (_initialOvercast == -1) then {
       _initialOvercast = (_minimumOvercast + random (_maximumOvercast - _minimumOvercast));
   else {
       if (_initialOvercast < _minimumOvercast) then {
           _initialOvercast = _minimumOvercast;
       if (_initialOvercast > _maximumOvercast) then {
           _initialOvercast = _maximumOvercast;

   0 setOvercast _initialOvercast;

   if (_initialOvercast >= 0.75) then {
       if (_initialRain == -1) then {
           _initialRain = (_minimumRain + random (_minimumRain - _minimumRain));
       else {
           if (_initialRain < _minimumRain) then {
               _initialRain = _minimumRain;
           if (_initialRain > _maximumRain) then {
               _initialRain = _maximumRain;
   else {
       _initialRain = 0;

   drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain = _initialRain;
   0 setRain drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain;

   _maxWind = _minimumWind + random (_maximumWind - _minimumWind);

   if (drn_DynamicWeather_WindX == -1) then {
       if (random 100 < 50) then {
           drn_DynamicWeather_WindX = -_minimumWind - random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);
       else {
           drn_DynamicWeather_WindX = _minimumWind + random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);

   if (drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ == -1) then {
       if (random 100 < 50) then {
           drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ = -_minimumWind - random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);
       else {
           drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ = _minimumWind + random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);

   setWind [drn_DynamicWeather_WindX, drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ, true];

   sleep 0.05;

   publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain";
   drn_var_DynamicWeather_ServerInitialized = true;
   publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_ServerInitialized";

   // Start weather thread
   [_minWeatherChangeTimeMin, _maxWeatherChangeTimeMin, _minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin, _maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin, _minimumFog, _maximumFog, _minimumOvercast, _maximumOvercast, _minimumWind, _maximumWind, _windChangeProbability, _debug] spawn {
       private ["_minWeatherChangeTimeMin", "_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin", "_minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin", "_maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin", "_minimumFog", "_maximumFog", "_minimumOvercast", "_maximumOvercast", "_minimumWind", "_maximumWind", "_windChangeProbability", "_debug"];
       private ["_weatherType", "_fogLevel", "_overcastLevel", "_oldFogLevel", "_oldOvercastLevel", "_weatherChangeTimeSek"];

       _minWeatherChangeTimeMin = _this select 0;
       _maxWeatherChangeTimeMin = _this select 1;
       _minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin = _this select 2;
       _maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin = _this select 3;
       _minimumFog = _this select 4;
       _maximumFog = _this select 5;
       _minimumOvercast = _this select 6;
       _maximumOvercast = _this select 7;
       _minimumWind = _this select 8;
       _maximumWind = _this select 9;
       _windChangeProbability = _this select 10;
       _debug = _this select 11;

       // Set initial fog level
       _fogLevel = 2;
       _overcastLevel = 2;

       while {true} do {
           // Sleep a while until next weather change
           sleep floor (_minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin * 60 + random ((_maxTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin - _minTimeBetweenWeatherChangesMin) * 60));

           if (_minimumFog == _maximumFog && _minimumOvercast != _maximumOvercast) then {
               _weatherType = "OVERCAST";
           if (_minimumFog != _maximumFog && _minimumOvercast == _maximumOvercast) then {
               _weatherType = "FOG";
           if (_minimumFog != _maximumFog && _minimumOvercast != _maximumOvercast) then {

               // Select type of weather to change
               if ((random 100) < 50) then {
                   _weatherType = "OVERCAST";
               else {
                   _weatherType = "FOG";

           // DEBUG
           // _weatherType = "FOG";

           if (_weatherType == "FOG") then {

               drn_DynamicWeather_CurrentWeatherChange = "FOG";

               // Select a new fog level
               _oldFogLevel = _fogLevel;
               _fogLevel = floor ((random 100) / 25);

               while {_fogLevel == _oldFogLevel} do {
                   _fogLevel = floor ((random 100) / 25);

	if(random 100 > 50) then {
		_fogLevel = 0;

               if (_fogLevel == 0) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumFog + (_maximumFog - _minimumFog) * random 0.05;
               if (_fogLevel == 1) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumFog + (_maximumFog - _minimumFog) * (0.05 + random 0.2);
               if (_fogLevel == 2) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumFog + (_maximumFog - _minimumFog) * (0.25 + random 0.3);
               if (_fogLevel == 3) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumFog + (_maximumFog - _minimumFog) * (0.55 + random 0.45);

               drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeStartedTime = time;
               _weatherChangeTimeSek = _minWeatherChangeTimeMin * 60 + random ((_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin - _minWeatherChangeTimeMin) * 60);
               drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeCompletedTime = time + _weatherChangeTimeSek;

               if (_debug) then {
                   ["Weather forecast: Fog " + str drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue + " in " + str round (_weatherChangeTimeSek / 60) + " minutes."] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

           if (_weatherType == "OVERCAST") then {

               drn_DynamicWeather_CurrentWeatherChange = "OVERCAST";

               // Select a new overcast level
               _oldOvercastLevel = _overcastLevel;
               //_overcastLevel = floor ((random 100) / 25);
               _overcastLevel = 3;

               while {_overcastLevel == _oldOvercastLevel} do {
                   _overcastLevel = floor ((random 100) / 25);

               if (_overcastLevel == 0) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumOvercast + (_maximumOvercast - _minimumOvercast) * random 0.05;
               if (_overcastLevel == 1) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumOvercast + (_maximumOvercast - _minimumOvercast) * (0.05 + random 0.3);
               if (_overcastLevel == 2) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumOvercast + (_maximumOvercast - _minimumOvercast) * (0.35 + random 0.35);
               if (_overcastLevel == 3) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = _minimumOvercast + (_maximumOvercast - _minimumOvercast) * (0.7 + random 0.3);

               // DEBUG
               if (overcast > 0.8) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = 0.5;
               else {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue = 0.85;

               drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeStartedTime = time;
               _weatherChangeTimeSek = _minWeatherChangeTimeMin * 60 + random ((_maxWeatherChangeTimeMin - _minWeatherChangeTimeMin) * 60);
               drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherChangeCompletedTime = time + _weatherChangeTimeSek;

               if (_debug) then {
                   ["Weather forecast: Overcast " + str drn_DynamicWeather_WeatherTargetValue + " in " + str round (_weatherChangeTimeSek / 60) + " minutes."] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

           // On average every one fourth of weather changes, change wind too
           if (random 100 < _windChangeProbability) then {
               private ["_maxWind"];

               _maxWind = _minimumWind + random (_maximumWind - _minimumWind);

               if (random 100 < 50) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WindX = -_minimumWind - random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);
               else {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WindX = _minimumWind + random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);
               if (random 100 < 50) then {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ = -_minimumWind - random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);
               else {
                   drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ = _minimumWind + random (_maxWind - _minimumWind);

               if (_debug) then {
                   ["Wind changes: [" + str drn_DynamicWeather_WindX + ", " + str drn_DynamicWeather_WindZ + "]."] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

           call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherAllClients;

           sleep _weatherChangeTimeSek;

   // Start rain thread
   if (_rainIntervalRainProbability > 0) then {
       [_minimumRain, _maximumRain, _forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval, _minRainIntervalTimeMin, _maxRainIntervalTimeMin, _rainIntervalRainProbability, _debug] spawn {
           private ["_minimumRain", "_maximumRain", "_forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval", "_minRainIntervalTimeMin", "_maxRainIntervalTimeMin", "_rainIntervalRainProbability", "_debug"];
           private ["_nextRainEventTime", "_forceStop"];

           _minimumRain = _this select 0;
           _maximumRain = _this select 1;
           _forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval = _this select 2;
           _minRainIntervalTimeMin = _this select 3;
           _maxRainIntervalTimeMin = _this select 4;
           _rainIntervalRainProbability = _this select 5;
           _debug = _this select 6;

           if (rain > 0) then {
               drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain = rain;
               publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain";

           _nextRainEventTime = time;
           _forceStop = false;

           while {true} do {

               if (overcast > 0.75) then {

                   if (time >= _nextRainEventTime) then {
                       private ["_rainTimeSec"];

                       // At every rain event time, start or stop rain with 50% probability
                       if (random 100 < _rainIntervalRainProbability && !_forceStop) then {
                           drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain = _minimumRain + random (_maximumRain - _minimumRain);
                           publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain";

                           _forceStop = _forceRainToStopAfterOneRainInterval;
                       else {
                           drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain = 0;
                           publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain";

                           _forceStop = false;

                       // Pick a time for next rain change
                       _rainTimeSec = _minRainIntervalTimeMin * 60 + random ((_maxRainIntervalTimeMin - _minRainIntervalTimeMin) * 60);
                       _nextRainEventTime = time + _rainTimeSec;

                       if (_debug) then {
                           ["Rain set to " + str drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain + " for " + str (_rainTimeSec / 60) + " minutes"] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients;
               else {
                   if (drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain != 0) then {
                       drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain = 0;
                       publicVariable "drn_var_DynamicWeather_rain";

                       if (_debug) then {
                           ["Rain stops due to low overcast."] call drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_ShowDebugTextAllClients;

                   _nextRainEventTime = time;
                   _forceStop = false;

               if (_debug) then {
                   sleep 1;
               else {
                   sleep 10;

[_rainIntervalRainProbability, _debug] spawn {
   private ["_rainIntervalRainProbability", "_debug"];
   private ["_rain", "_rainPerSecond"];

   _rainIntervalRainProbability = _this select 0;
   _debug = _this select 1;

   if (_debug) then {
       _rainPerSecond = 0.2;
   else {
       _rainPerSecond = 0.03;

   if (_rainIntervalRainProbability > 0) then {
       _rain = drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain;
   else {
       _rain = 0;

   0 setRain _rain;
   sleep 0.1;

   while {true} do {
       if (_rainIntervalRainProbability > 0) then {
           if (_rain < drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain) then {
               _rain = _rain + _rainPerSecond;
               if (_rain > 1) then { _rain = 1; };
           if (_rain > drn_var_DynamicWeather_Rain) then {
               _rain = _rain - _rainPerSecond;
               if (_rain < 0) then { _rain = 0; };
       else {
           _rain = 0;

       3 setRain _rain;

       sleep 3;

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Thanks for the help. Now yes find where to change the colors.

As vehicles are very inexperienced in codes of ArmA 2, maybe even give up the idea of a server Wasteland, because there will be no sense without vehicles.


Below the full-file that came. If you are interested in viewing.


Edited by Guntz

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Hey Guntz

I tried as well, the problem with mine was a missing

Server/scripts/server.sqf file!!

can you see if you have a server.sqf file anywhere?


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Hey Guntz

I tried as well, the problem with mine was a missing

Server/scripts/server.sqf file!!

can you see if you have a server.sqf file anywhere?


Friend forgiveness cannot understand the message you give me pass. I am weak in English.

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Friend forgiveness cannot understand the message you give me pass. I am weak in English.

I get this error when trying to start a wasteland server!


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Exactly this error occurs on my tb, might be it.

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Which means that a script is being called server side only!

for example!

if (isServer) then
execVM "server\core\server.init.sqf";

Is being called server side only and isn't stored in the mission pbo file! Probably until Sa-Matra answers one of us, we wont be able to run wasteland! :)

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we really expect him to answer or someone who knows something.

Edited by Guntz

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