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ACR DLC available on Steam

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Title says it all for those who were waiting for it to be a Steam DLC.



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Just as a heads up - if you are having trouble getting it to install/load:

Exit steam --> Run steam as Admin --> Launch Arma2: Combined Operations --> ACR will then install & you should be good to go! If it's not there for whatever reason, just launch standard Arma:OA.

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I downloaded ARC via steam and tried running directly from the steam client using the OA Combined Operations selection option. When doing it this way, ARC doesn't load.

I'm also running the most recent beta patch. Launching the beta patch shortcut, ARC launches fine.

If I go directly to the Operation Arrowhead directory and launch the OA .EXE file, ARC launches fine.

Only time ARC won't launch, is when trying to launch directly from the steam client.

At any rate, ARC launches and is available in Combined Operations. Maybe steam client needs update. What's different from the other DLC, is this ARC doesn't have is own thumbnail in the steam client like the other DLC. And yes, I follow the hints already posted in this thread before launching from the other .EXE files.

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