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Red Dawn Walkthrough

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After trying this mission multiple times, I found (what I think) is the easiest way to get the scud and Guba without a lengthy snipe hunt. Ok, I’ll admit it: I could not for the life of me use the Hind effectively. I could capture Guba, but always got blown way by the Shilkas (they seem to be able to target me well before I can target them) when attempting to destroy the scud. So, I opted for a ground campaign instead. If you care, here it is:

1.)Outfit as many of your squad with LAW’s (or equivalent) as possible (I think 5 including yourself).  Bobby Burning (sniper) and George Debak (medic) cannot effectively carry a LAW and ammo.

2.)Load up your squad in the M113 (you as driver) and haul ass on the little dirt road that heads NNE out of the insertion point base.

3.)You will encounter two squads of Ruskies on the way. Give your gunner the “engage at will†command, and he will make short work of both groups. Note: you don’t really need to stop; just slow down and let you gunner do the work.

4.)Proceed along the dirt road until it ends at the woods (Gb34) and then proceed right, obliquely down the hill at full speed (aim towards Gf34).

5.)Travel ENE (side-slipping down the hill) until you reach the north edge of the small forest at Gf34.

6.)At this point, turn you M113 straight downhill and head for the beach. Enjoy the ride because it’s a wild one. I think there’s a T72 lurking somewhere nearby, so if you take your sweet time getting down this hill, you’ll be toast. Haul Ass! I usually aim for a cluster of trees (Ha34), at which point I turn and head NE up the coast. Don’t linger…MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!

7.)At approximately Hc33, there is a group of three Russian infantry men and one officer. Take ‘em out and then proceed (hugging the coastline) at full speed to Guba’s “Boat Base†at Ib24.

8.)At the boat base you will find two enemy soldiers (~E side moving to the W) and one Spetz Natz (~NE side, lying prone). Again, your gunner will make short work of these guys. You’ll also note a boat at Id24. This is Guba’s get-a-way vehicle…DO NOT DESTROY THE BOAT. It needs to be intact in order for Guba to come to that location.

9.)OK, once you reach the boat base, timing is fairly important. After killing the three guards mentioned above, park the M113 safely out of the way (I like to park it in between two buildings). Have all disembark. Send one LAW-armed soldier to either Ih20 or Ij16 (these are two locations that I have found the scud…I’m not sure if there are other possible locations). If you’re lucky, the game will have placed the scud at the closest location (Ih20). If not, I still think you will have time to get to the scud at Ij16 as long as you get your man moving immediately after disembarking the M113. Note: as always, your AI soldier will take the path of least resistance. As such, he is almost certain to blunder into enemy fire. So, it’s up to you to choose the safest path for him (for the Ih20 scud location, I sent him along the coast and then through the southern part of the forest at Ig21).

10.)Order the rest of your troops to the north end of the small base, just inside the front (north) entrance behind the wall. Order them to watch the north, with weapons free (I personally like to climb up into the NW guard tower and survey/partake in the carnage from a nice vantage).

11.)Before Guba and his Spetz Natz cronies show up in the UAZ, expect the following: (3) BMP’s, (10-15) soldiers, and at least (1) T80. They’ll come rolling in pretty much one at a time from a variety of locations, so you and your troops should have no problem taking them out.

12.)While the battle rages, you will still need to keep tabs on your search-and-destroy scud scout. Keep him constantly moving towards the objective. Once he finds the scud, you know what to do!

13.)After killing 3 BMP’s, several soldiers, and one T80, Guba finally shows up. When Guba’s driver sees the carnage, he’ll stop on the road. Try not to have your troops kill the general. I ordered them to “hold fire†and took the Spetz Natz out myself. Guba will flee the scene, and if you don’t run after him immediately, he’ll be a b*tch to find. Catch up to him, and you’ll have completed the mission. If you capture him and your man still hasn’t found the scud, you should still have a little bit of time to do so…good luck and happy hunting! :biggrin:

(Edited by KAS at 1:37 am on Oct. 10, 2001)

(Edited by KAS at 1:54 am on Oct. 10, 2001)

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Takes too much time. First time i did that mission was really not fun, and it take me a lot of time. At least one hour. In second time(And all other times), i have more expirinace with the game, and i did the mission more quiclky and more funny. I just enbark to the Hummer anfd i took 4 soldier with me. Than i move to the base with the Hind helicopter. There war just two guards. I hit them with the Hummer. There was no need of dissemarking. I refuel hind, enbark my men to the hind and fly away. I destry two Shilkas and one T80 in the way to Guba's place. When i see UZA moving, i know that the Guba was in there. I land on the road, couple of meters far from moving UAZ. I dissembar from my chopper and wait for about five seconds. When i see UAZ, i use my M21 to kill the driver. The jeep stops. Guba and two SpetzNatz are still in jeep. I kill the spetznatz and the Guba came out from his jeep. We talk a little bit, and then i tell Guba to enbar chopper and i go to hunt the scud. I was destroying only Shilkas, becouse i had only 6 rockets.left. I destry 5 shilkas. Only one rocket left for the SCUD. I destry him, and then one BMP and T80 with mini rockets, TOW. Then the mission was over.

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There's even an easier way: Get a LAW, then get in the Jeep and put the rest of your team into the M113. Then follow the small dusty road until you reach the cost in the north. Then you block the street with the M113 and wait for Guba. He'll try to leave the road, so kill the driver and the spetznatz. After capturing him, get with him into the jeep and drive along the coast road heading east. On the left you'll see a vehicle, it's a Shilka (about 250 metres away). Stop immediately and kill it with your LAW, then just proceed on driving east... after about 5 minutes you'll get to the end of the island, move left, search and destroy the scud

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Yeah with one guy I took the jeep to the helicopter base. Refueled the chopper.. Took off, flew up and destroyed the Scud in the top-right of the Island. Destroyed the boat that he was heading to. Then just flew down the road along the Northern point of the Island until I saw his car. (He pulls off the road into a little side clearing and just sits there doing nothing) Bingo.. Got him put him in the chopper (was going to abandon my co-pilot.. until I realized Russian choppers are both transports too.

Mission complete easily

BTW. easiest way to take out the Shilkas quickly and before they start to fire at you:-

The moment a red / grey square appears in the 'Radar' at the top of the screen.. press Tab until your guy says to the co-pilot/ gunner Target Tank... or Target Shilka.

Then left click to tell him to fire. (in case you were wondering, I don't use Manual fire much)

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SpaceAlex..... You said you had one rocket left for the Scud?

Is there anyone here that have actually considered using the MG? The MG rocks, you can destroy anything with it.

Even a Shilka..... ..... .....in theory. :biggrin:

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You can engage him with rockets from the very far distances. He could lounch the rocket already if you would wait too long. I use machinegun for trucks, cars, infantry. It's cool. I use FFARS to. They're good too, but McGun is better. Rockets rocks, anyway.

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Sure, the rockets are better. Just too bad you have so few of them. sad.gif

And the Tow is so much better than the Sa6.

But that is a matter of taste.....

I like switching to manual fire when using FFAR and 54mm rockets. That way, the gunner will not waste 65% of your valuable load of rockets on nothing.

In SPM 4 - "Ground Attack" - I usually switch to manual fire and FFAR right after take-off. So when I see the convoy, I manually aim for the road..... And all #### breaks loose. If you do it right, there will only be some mopping up with the 30mm left. Sometimes nothing..... :cool:

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And while I am at it, I might as well metion the Mi17.....

As I am sure you all know, it is armed with 192 54mm rockets. Now this is not much if you let the gunner do the job. But if you do like I described above, you could do some serious damage.

In theory you can destroy an Ambrams with 11 54mm rockets. But it would be almost useless after 7-8 hits.

Now let us say that you miss a few times  and use 15-20 rockets per Abrams. Even then you could take out 8-10 of them. Now that is good for a transporter.

And all that d*amn Chinook have, is a .50 MG. Suck, unless you are clearing a landing area of infantry. smile.gif

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there is an empty Shilka in this level 2....

If you travel North out of the base and head west once you get to the first soldier patrol....

I sent 2 men in the m/gun jeep to pick up the Shilka while i took the m113 to collect the Hind...

flew to Guba's base destroyed the near by T80 and picked up Gubes even before he had a chance to leave..

I met up with the Shilka and exchanged vehicles using Guba as the Hind pilot.. which is a bit strange really.. as he's not to bothered about helping you wreck his plans...

Guba keeps in formation supporting you in the chopper while you can roll to the scud and take out all anti AA's with your shiny shilka...

have you seen what happens if you run out of time? all your buddies get nuked

(Edited by Agent Hunter at 7:09 am on Nov. 12, 2001)

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there are Two Hinds

and gub now walks in all the missions I tested in 1.29

it's totally screwed

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im pretty sure the hind is in Grid ED 46

The first town encountered on the way to Guba's,

The Hind has no fuel but there is a fuel truck parked in the encampment about 100 yards away

BTW:- I have 1.29 and Guba takes to the jeep always unless i lay some smack down on his jeep

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For me Guba doesnt move from the base until I enter the base...

So. I load up the URAL and head high speed for the base. run into the UAZ (at low speed) I usually get at least one guy. Hop out and make quick work of spetz Natz. Instruct everyone to cover/take out tank.Throw Guba in back and head to Hind. Destroy scud.

Ive tried the roadblock thing at first, hiding near the docks, but he NEVER showed. Still a problem with 1.3 installed, so I have to engage him in the base.

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Sorry for beating a dead horse, but is "KAS" the only one here that realizes the enemy might actully resist you? All the other plans make it sound like the mission will just work out for you somehow.

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I like to do an airborne mission. Load everyone up on the Hind

with two other soilders as pilot and gunner. Have the pilot fly

to Gupta's base around the road heading north just out of camp, order the men to jump out and I eject to parachute down to the road. Send the Hind to fight the T-80. Gupta

will try to escape in his car - you can capture him dead or alive. Then order everyone to board Hind, get out of the camp or more T-80s come and bog you down. I order the pilot

to fly out to sea, out of reach of the Shukas. Come in to the

northern part of the island and land, then search for the Scud.

I don't think you can parachute twice. I also load out most of

the soilders with laws.

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Here's a slightly easier way to do this, and safer too.

I load all my troopers into the M113, with me as driver and one guy as gunner. We head as fast as the thing will go the small compound where the Hind is located. I let the gunner take the two guards (or I run over them with the APC). Then I get out and drive the fuel truck over to the Hind, at the same time ordering my guys to ride in the back of the Hind, leaving the gunner seat open.

We take off and head straight for Guba's house. Ignoring the T80 completely I land a few meters away from Guba's UAZ and get out, leaving the squad in the Hind. Shoot the tires of the UAZ and Guba and his goons hop out. Shoot the goons, grab Guba (and listen to his insane rantings). Order him into the gunners seat of the Hind.

Take off on a heading of 090. Fly over NATO territory until you cross the coast on the east side of the island. Using the map, fly at a hight of 60 or 70 feet about 1500 meters off the coast heading north-northeast towards the extreme northern tip of the island. Do not come closer than 1000 meters of the coast.

When you get close to the tip, activate auto-hover and turn towards the island. Use the tab key to cycle through targets, one of the first should be a Shilka (he'll be the one trying to shoot you down). Take him out and then tab until you lock onto the Scud (do not use up all of your AT6 missiles on other targets). Let the Scud have a couple of missles until the designator turns white.

Turn back south (deactivating auto-hover) and staying off the coast head back. Eventually the mission ends.

And there you go...you've Guba, save the world and lose none of your guys.

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