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Utes/Cher/Misc _low.pbo Errors. ARMAOA/ARMA2

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All these *_low.pbo files are not in my ArmA2 & ArmA2OA steam installation. Are you copying files inside the addons directories?

Google points me to FPS helper, which if you installed, you can't connect to a server without the server allowing said addon.

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where can I get the original .pbo's..cause i tried about fifteen servers they all give me the same error

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This three files are not part of the original installation of ArmA2(OA), you can delete them (Cher_low.pbo, Utes_low.pbo, Misc_low.pbo).

If you removed any of the original .pbo's, do a "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" from steam for each ArmA game. Any missing/corrupted files will be downloaded.

Next time avoid changing or adding any files on the AddOn's folders, instead use mod folders.

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