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AddAction trouble for dedicated server mission

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I appreciate any help!

I'm trying to randomize which 6 of 20 "intel objects" (e.g., files, photos, laptops) in a building need to be gathered by the players in this co-op mission. My method is to place each object on the map in the editor and give it a name. Then I'm running a script that picks a first object randomly and adds the "Take this intel for examination later" action to it. Then it continues on to pick 5 more objects (that haven't been picked yet.)

I originally ran the script that does this from an execVM from the init.sqf. Problem was that it effectively ran once for each client connected, apparently. So I put a "if (!isServer) exitwith {}" at the top of the script. But that made it only run on the dedicated server, and not on any clients. I know there's a way to accomplish this, but I'm stuck trying to find it!

Here's the code, if it helps.

if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // This is an addition for version 0.4

sleep 9;

_intel1 = [i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19]; //array of intel items

//initialize the picked variables (with obviously weird values!)
_r1=-2; _r2=-2; _r3=-2; _r4=-2; _r5=-2; _r6=-2;

//randomly choose 6 intel pieces to activate from the 20 possible/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//1st object: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r1 = floor(random 20); // set value for first pick
(_intel1 select _r1) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

// 2nd roll: start _r2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r2 = floor(random 20);
while {_r2==_r1} do
  _r2 = floor(random 20); // reroll
(_intel1 select _r2) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

// 3rd roll: start _r3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r3 = floor(random 20);
while {(_r3==_r1) or (_r3==_r2)} do
  _r3 = floor(random 20);  // reroll
(_intel1 select _r3) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

// 4th roll: start _r4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r4 = floor(random 20);
while {(_r4==_r1) or (_r4==_r2) or (_r4==_r3)} do
  _r4 = floor(random 20);  // reroll
(_intel1 select _r4) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

// 5th roll: start _r5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r5 = floor(random 20);
while {(_r5==_r1) or (_r5==_r2) or (_r5==_r3) or (_r5==_r4)} do
  _r5 = floor(random 20);  // reroll
(_intel1 select _r5) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

// 6th roll: start _r6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
_r6 = floor(random 20);
while {(_r6==_r1) or (_r6==_r2) or (_r6==_r3) or (_r6==_r4) or (_r6==_r5)} do
  _r6 = floor(random 20);  // reroll
(_intel1 select _r6) addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];

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That's some weird while-loops.

Place the functions module on the map and then try this code.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
sleep 9;

_intel1 = [i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19]; //array of intel items

for "_i" from 0 to 6 do 
 _int = _intel1 call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 _intel1 = _intel1 - [_int]; // delete the intel from the array so we don't select it again
 _int addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"]; // add action locally
 [nil,_int,"per",rAddAction,"Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"] call RE; // add action globally

Edit: I'm uncertain if remote execution adds it locally, so if you get two actions on one object just remove the first addaction in the code

Edited by cuel

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Here is solution without Function Module, though cuel's solution might work as well

//Add code that executes when publicVar_intelList gets broadcasted
"publicVar_intelList" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
//Go through list of intel and add action to each
	_x addAction ["Take this intel for later examination","scripts\takeIntel.sqf"];
} forEach publicVar_intelList;

if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // This is an addition for version 0.4

sleep 9;

_intel1 = [i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19]; //array of intel items

//List of intel to broadcast to other players
publicVar_intelList = [];

//Loop of 6 iterations (0,1,2,3,4,5)
for "_i" from 0 to 5 do {
//Select random intel from array
_int = _intel select floor(random(count _intel1));

//Delete selected intel from array so it wouldn't get picked twice
_intel1 = _intel1 - [_int];

//Add selected intel into public variable for broadcasting it
publicVar_intelList = publicVar_intelList + [_int];

//Broadcast variable with list of intel to other players
publicVariable "publicVar_intelList";

Since I didn't test the code, there are few notes about it:

- It might not add actions on server (only on clients)

- It might not add actions for join in progress players

If any of above is correct, then i'll explain how to fix it.

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Thanks very much to both of you for taking the time to help out. I'll try Cuel's approach first and see how that goes.

I didn't know about BIS_fnc_selectRandom ! How great is that!! Thanks.

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OK, quick question: why add the actions both locally and globally? Why not just add them globally?

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As I said, I'm not sure if the remote execution runs on the computer that does it. Just like publicVariableEventHandlers (which I think remote execution uses?)

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