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ArmA 2 : Operation Arrowhead (DayZ)

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I'm not good in english so I write in german.


Ich hab ein Problem und zwar: Mein ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead CD-Key wurde durch einen Hack gestohlen und durch einen Fake-Key ersetzt.

Deshalb hab ich in der Registry alle Bohemia Interactive (-Studios) Daten gelöscht, BattlEye deinstalliert und ArmA 2 Combined Operations deinstalliert.

Ich hab es via Steam wieder gedwonloadet und installiert. Anschließend noch DayZ rauf. Jetzt beim joinen eines Severs sagt er mir Bad Serial Key given in Setup.

Obwohl es im ersten Setup ja kein Bad Serial Key war; Der Hacker muss den geklauten Key bereits verwenden. :eek:

Die Lösung wäre, meinen Key zu deaktivieren / bannen und mir einen neuen geben.

Ich weiß nicht wie ich mich ausweise, dass ich es gekauft habe, aber dazu kommen wir hoffentlich noch.



Translation by Moderator:


I have a problem, My A2OA key was stolen by a hack and replaced by a fake key.

Because of that, i've deleted all Bohemia Interactive entries in the registry, deinstalled BattlEye and A2CO deintalled.

I've redownloaded via Steam and installed again. After that, i've also reinstalled DayZ. Now when i try to join a Server i get error saying "bad serial key given in setup".

Although at first setup it wasn't a bad serial key, the Hacker obviously already uses the stolen key.

A solution would be to deactivate/ban my key and assign a new key. Right now i don't know how to prove that i have a legit copy but i guess we could sort this out later.



Edited by [FRL]Myke
Added translation for general amusement.

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Mein deutsch is schlecht so ich schreib in englisch.(also it's required) :)

You decided to download and run the hack, that stole your key.

Battleye has made an announcement about this recent hack that steals keys and the only help you should expect is in this quote.

Note that this can be fixed (temporarily) by deleting the cd-key from the registry and reinstalling your game. While your original cd-key is not banned due to this, it might very well end up being soon when your cd-key is being used by a cheater that purchased it.

Why should BI give you a new key, so you can try a new hack?

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Your first phrase shows that your english should be good enough to at least understand the rules you've accepted upon joining the Forum:

§13) Write in English

Please write only in English on the public forums. Avoid writing in any other language or any kind of slang or txt speak since the majority of the members most likely won't understand. In private messages you are of course welcome to write in any language you wish.

Regarding your problem, read this and this.


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Als ich den Hack ausgeführt habe, hatte ich keine Ahnung davon, dass ca. 80% der Hacks im Internet Phishing-Methoden sind.

Ich dachte ich probiere es einmal.

Ich bin ja nicht so der Hacker ich war nur ein Anfänger und wollte es ausprobieren.

Wenn ihr mir einen neuen Key gebt dann werde ich sowieso keinen Hack nochmal ausführen, weil ich weiß dass mein CD-Key eventuell nochmal geklaut wird.

Ich bin ja nicht dumm ;)

Bitte, ich bin noch Anfänger in ArmA/DayZ und werde den Fehler nicht nochmal machen.

Liebe Grüße, Daniel

Google Translator: (May not be correctly)

When I run the hack, I had no idea that 80% of the hacks on the Internet are phishing schemes.

I thought I'll try it once.

I'm not a hacker, I was just a beginner and wanted to try it.

If you give me a new key and I will not run anyway hack again, because I know that my CD key is possibly stolen again.

I'm not stupid;)

Please, I'm still a beginner in ArmA / DayZ and will not make the mistake again.

Love, Daniel

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Really sorry but LMAO. No matter if beginner or not, "i just wanted to try it" is a lame excuse. Already common sense should tell you that using hacks/cheats in MP is a bad idea in general. And now that you admitted that you tried to hack (there is no such thing like "i just wanted to try") you really think to get a new key for free? Hell, if you get €100 from your bank and it gets stolen because you left your wallet unattended in a shopping mall, would you expect that your bank gives you another €100 for free?

You made the mistake, you pay for it. Simple as that.

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