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createDiarySubject and pictures

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In the wikipages the createDiarySubject says the script command may take a picture parameter;

person createDiarySubject [subject,display name,picture];

However, I can't seem to make this work. I know the path is right; The following script command do work, and

I use the same path reference in the above script cmd;

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Intel", "Informations gathered.<br /><img image=components\res\gfx\_delete_\flag_indep_ca.paa' /&gt]];


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I don't know why DiarySubject would accept a picture, it is just a header essentially. If you want pictures you should probably just put them under a record.

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Well, unless I'm totally mistaking, you can apply a logo to each subject, just see "Units", "Players", etc.

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I'd like to revive this thread. Being able to put an icon next to a subject in the diary would be very nice. Alternatively, can a subject name have a color other than white?

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From a tutorial I put together some time ago for my own reference, I think this is what your trying to do?  Insert a .jpg in the briefing notes?


Part 1: The Diary Notes:


The briefing diary shows under the "Notes" tab on map, which is where the mission briefing is displayed.  The command string is entered as follows:


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["TITLE-here", "put-your-extensive-mission-BRIEFING-text-here"]];


the title should be short, only a few words.  The briefing can be as long as desired.  Quotes (") are used to signify the beginning and end of the text strings, so don't use them within the text.  Use semiquotes (') or dashes (-) to provide quotes in the briefing.


Simple HTML formatting tips:

<br/>                   =     line break (start next line)

<img image='name.jpg'/>  =     insert picture name.jpg

<marker name='name'>     =     begin text linked to object: name

</marker>               =     end linked text, resume normal text


Links to objects can be made using the html formatting so the map will center on those objects when the player clicks on selected text.  Text intended to be linked to the map goes between 'begin' and 'end' format tags.  The name of an associated marker object is used in the 'begin' format tag to locate where the map marker will navigate to when the player selects the linked text.  Line breaks are used to start new lines of text.


Pictures can also be inserted into briefings using the formatting tag <img image='name.jpg'/>.  For this to work, two rules have to be followed:


      - Both pixel width and height must be a power of two (i.e., both sides must be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 pixels maximum).


      - The picture must be in the mission folder.


The displayed size of the image in briefing can be manipulated like so:

<img image='name.jpg' width='200' height='200'/>.  The "width" and "height" specifications will be the width and height of the picture as seen on screen.  A picture might be appear skewed to fit 256x256, but the width and height settings are used to decompress it when displayed.



Example briefing: (with color added for clarity)


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["MISSION:", "Sergeant Major John Sixta issued orders:<br/><img image='sixta.jpg' width='200' height='200'/><br/>'Wooo-eee!  We in the fire now!<br/><br/>Git off yo butts Marines! Get to <marker name='Kab01'>Kabanino</marker> and blow sum stuff up! <br/><br/>Now GIT SUM, Debba Dawgs!!!']];


In this example sixta.jpg is the name of the picture in the mission folder that will be displayed onscreen within the briefing, at 200 x 200 pixels size.  Kab01 is the name of a marker placed on Kabanino for the map to navigate to when the player clicks on the word "Kabanino."




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