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Realistic Bombs

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Hey people!

In my clan, I am now the explosives expert and with ACE, the bombs and mines are even more realistic by placing them!

But what really interests me, is to defuse it! at least in real!

In ArmA it is only a mouse click, wait 3 seconds and is all ready! the realism and excitement is just out!

So is there a mod that makes the bombs more realistic in itself?

So that you have to concentrate really well during defuseing the bomb and an error is fatal?

For example, that you have to drag the detonator slowly with the mouse; if you are too hectic, you will be dead?!

That would be really good!

Would appreciate an answer!


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So basically you are referring to IEDs and EOD disposal tactics?

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No idea why you feel the need to post the same request again and completely ignore the forum rules. I told you your requests belongs in the addon request sticky and I even merged your post there.

Maybe read the forum rules again? I think you have skipped the majority of them when you signed up.

§2) Follow the instructions of the moderators

When a moderator or BIS staff member asks you to do something or to stop doing something, please follow their instructions. If you have questions/complaints/comments about the forum or moderators please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM the head moderator (Placebo), he will be happy to look into the matter.

§7) Search before posting

If you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker.

§8) Post in the right forum & right thread

Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. If a thread exists for the topic you wish to post about you must use it, for example all ACE questions belong in the ACE thread. All addon/mod questions belong in the thread for that addon/mod. In the case of DayZ discussions they should be posted on the DayZ forums, this includes problems with the Modification. The troubleshooting forum is not for problems with Addons and Mods!

§9) Do not cross-post

Do not post duplicate threads in more than one forum simply to get an answer quicker or to draw more attention to your post.

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