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Dog Company

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With 6 years of experience since the launch of Arma1 Dog company (DC) is a military simulation clan for Arma2. We are currently looking to expand substantially in preparation for Arma3. We are based on a U.S.Army infantry structure and play regular (weekly) operations in a mil-sim environment. We use realistic military tactics and strategy to achieve our objectives and maintain a high standard of player ability and knowledge.

To apply prospective applicants need only have a mature attitude, access to a microphone and team speak, A copy of Arma 2 and availability during operation times. We also run Acre and a stable build of ACE to enhance realism.

We are based on EST and boast a Multinational Membership

Check us out in action here:

To apply or just for more information check out our website. Look for us in the Dog company forum section at:


Or feel free to Email me for more information:

[email protected]

Regards. SSG.Chief


Edited by DogCoyRecruitment

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Guys, If you are really interested in playing in large organized custom ops, this is the place.

I've being playing for a few weeks now and have been loving it.

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