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A want a trigger to be activated with a specific condition.

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I have a trigger with Activation "BLUFOR" and activation type "PRESENT" . I want a specific Blufor Unit that passes through the trigger area without activating the trigger ! Is this possible ? Thank you.

I also have a trigger with Activation "OPFOR" and activation type "Detected by Blufor". I want a specific Opfor Unit that is seen by Blufors without activating the trigger.

Edited by dimdic

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1. condition: this && {_x != unitName} count thisList > 0

This will fire when a blufor unit is in the trigger, and that one or more blufor units must be inside the trigger area, that are not the unit specified.

2. condition: this && {_x != unitName} count thisList > 0

should work as well, thisList returns the detected units I think, so if theres a guy in that list thats not the opfor guy, then it will fire.

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Thank you Igneous01!!

1. Works fine ! I think (this && !(unitname in thisList)) works also fine.

2. I made a mistake in my second question. Here is the right one :

I have a trigger with Activation "OPFOR" and activation type "Detected by Blufor". I want a specific Blufor that sees an Opfor without activating the trigger.

1. condition: this && {_x != unitName} count thisList > 0

This will fire when a blufor unit is in the trigger, and that one or more blufor units must be inside the trigger area, that are not the unit specified.

2. condition: this && {_x != unitName} count thisList > 0

should work as well, thisList returns the detected units I think, so if theres a guy in that list thats not the opfor guy, then it will fire.

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Thats a lot more tricky. I don't think you can do that using only the trigger.

I'd use the trigger to start a script that is looping througt the opfor units to see if they have a target (using script command nearTargets). In such a script you can control which opfor unit's detection that counts, and set a global variable if it does. Then use another trigger to detect when variable is set to true.

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