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Mission parameter don't load after map finish/map restart

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Hi, i have a problem with my ARMA 2 CO 1.62 (non beta) dedicated server.

I have setup 2 missions with parameters. Directly after server start the mission is started with the correct parameters, if the map finishes and the next mission is loaded or the vote for restart succeded the following mission is loaded with default parameters.

The logs are clean so far, and i cant find an error. Both missions can start with the correct parameters except after restart/next mission.

Didn't find anything related on the forums, hope someone can help :)

Server is Win 2008 R2, i will post config as soon as i'm home.



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Is this e.g. Veteran mode we are talking about? You need to this each time you start the mission, or define it in missions description file (I think).

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Hey, at map start we load with regular difficulty server.cfg:

class Missions


class WarfareCher {

template = WarfareV2_072LiteCO.Chernarus;

difficulty = "regular"; // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid

class Params


aiGroupSizeAI = 8;

aiGroupSizePlayer = 18;

aiKeepUnits = 0;

aiTeams = 0;




class WarfareTaki {

template = WarfareV2_072LiteOA.Takistan;

difficulty = "regular"; // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid

class Params


aiGroupSizeAI = 8;

aiGroupSizePlayer = 18;

aiKeepUnits = 0;

aiTeams = 0;





But if i (in lobby) vote one of the both missions with regular difficulty they still get standard parameter :/.

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If you are trying to do what I think, you need to un-pbo the mission file, modify where ever your parameters are kept(it is different for every mission) and then repbo it. Then the default parameters will be set to what you want and will load everytime the mission reloads.

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Alright, thanks for the tip :)

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