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Logitech attack 3 with g25 issue

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Hello guy i have a logitech attack 3 and a g25 racing wheel.

No touching logitech profiler i go in game , controller , the game see both so i put left pedal ( clouth g25) and right pedal (accelerator g25).

For analog collective ( attack 3 wheel trottle in the low center) , and the cyclic ( the axes of the attack 3 ).

Here works , i go in one mission and beginner and medium mode its ok ( i dont know if i have to put in logitech prifiler pedals combined axses , someone can explane ? )

But when i go in expert mode , suddenly the heli turn immidiately to righ by itself and go to the ground and crash without touching it, so whe i try to stay in hover or stay in straight line whe i leave my hand off the joystick the heli behave in that way . My english is not so good but i hope that you guys understand...

Someone can help me ? Thanks !

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This is normal. It's due to the fact in expert mode the "auto trim" setting is turned off. So you discoverd the real helicopter behavior.


Each time you give an inputs, Don't matter if it's on cyclic collective or rudder you'll have to anticipate the torque's variations.. Sorry it's hard for me to explain it.. Not prO.

Here is some things I understood with times.. For US helicopters.

- In a hover, you'll need LEFT pedal. = anti torque

- If you pull the collective to climb you'll need MORE anti torque so MORE LEFT pedal

- If you hardly push the collective you may need some right pedal.

- While gaining speed you'll need less and less left pedal as the main rotor will gain in efficiancy. So less torque. So less left pedal and less collective.

- And when you decelerate you'll have to push the left pedal in order to keep the same heading and pull the collective cause the rotor need more power to keep the helo in the air.

You can also use Trim, but I can't help you on this as I never used them.

I use logitech MOMO for rudder and my pedals are combineds. It work great. 1 Axe, + and -

Edited by hon0

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Ciao , honO i see you flying at chernarus , well done mon ami ! Well i thought was a problem with the joystick , in medium mode was so easy , i came from racing sims and the flight for me is a new universe ....so i think this hard to pilot in epert mode ....my pedals are for g25 as i wrote , i think you have only 2 , i dont know if combined pedals work with accelerator and clouth ( maybe with acc and brake but the brake pedal is too hard an i prefer to use clouth because is similare with the acc )

P.S. unfortunately i have still the 1-03 version of the game , so i also thought tha was a problem of updates.......I cant update and this piss me off !

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I do not know for the G25 pedals. You are using steam or retail? May be you need to patch in 1.04 before patching in 1.05?

And yes. Flying in expert in really something else... :cool:

Also I'm scared your joystick isn't suffisant to really enjoy the expert mode. But I'm not sure as I never tried it. How many value per axe it does it have?

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I m using the fx interactive version and their auto updater dont update nothing !Still 1.03.

Well i spend less in joypad but i got track ir , i had to make a choice :)

I leave the option in game to default for the joystick , u can give me some advice ?

Can i fly in expert and leave auto trim on ?

How many value per axe it does it have ? Sorry , i repeat i m new in flight i dont really understand tha question..you speak about logitech profiler or in game option ?

Thanks for your time !

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I m using the fx interactive version and their auto updater dont update nothing !Still 1.03.

Then DEV will help you better than me.

All my joystick curve are set to defaut ; http://db.tt/TKKJwC8c

I think that you can fly in expert WITH auto trim, for that you have to edit the difficulty lvl under game option\difficulty.


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